Represent your science in Montréal and inspire others to attend. The deadline to submit a proposal is Saturday, 1 February. Please visit the Montréal Proposal Page. We Hope to See You in Montréal Next Year!
This is a website for the Geobiology and Geomicrobiology Division of GSA
Thursday, December 19, 2019
GSA Technical Session & Short Course Proposal Deadline: 1 February, 2020
As we say goodbye to 2019, it’s time to plan the 2020 GSA Annual Meeting in Montréal. We encourage you to propose a Short Course and/or Technical Session that will engage your GBGM colleagues and promote dynamic discussion.
PhD & Post-Doc Positions at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel
The AMGC group at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel seeks to recruit PhD students and post-doctoral researchers in paleoclimate reconstructions, clumped isotopes and cyclostratigraphy.
The Analytical-Environmental and Geo-Chemistry group at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel in Brussels, Belgium is a large research group composed on geologists, chemists, bio-engineers, bio-archaeologists working on a variety of topics in Earth and Environmental Sciences. The department is equipped with 4 IRMS, with automated carbonate devices, gas-bench, pyrolysis oven and elemental analysers, HR-ICP-MS, microXRF, portableXRF, and FTIR microscope, and various microscopy techniques. Through collaboration and joint purchases, AMGC also has access to MC-ICP-MS and TIMS. We are now recruiting new researchers to continue our work on paleoclimate reconstructions in recent and deep-time, using speleothems or micro-scale analyses in fossil shells, or applying cyclostratigraphy to establish robust astrochronologies to understand global change events in Paleozoic and Precambrian sequences. A key aspect, more particularly at the post-doctoral level is the development of clumped isotopes application using our new Nu-Perspective-IS IRMS. Outstanding candidate at the post-doc level may also propose their own research topic using AMGC facilities.
The PhD funding is for a duration of max. 4 years, the post-doc positions are 3 year max. Starting dates are flexible, preferentially Spring 2020. Applications will remain open until all positions are filled. Enthusiastic and motivated scientists are encouraged to apply. The salary makes it possible to live comfortably in Brussels and includes benefits (transport, medical etc.).
Questions contact: Philippe Claeys ( by e-mail or skype
We propose a great working environment, friendly colleagues, access to a large variety of analytical techniques, a broad international collaboration network and steady funding.
Candidates with a master degree or PhD in Geology, Earth Sciences or related field with a combination of the following:
Start date Spring 2020, or ASAP
HOW TO APPLY: Send your CV before January 31, 2020, with a cover letter, a description of your research interest and the names of three references (all in PDF) to Philippe Claeys,
The Analytical-Environmental and Geo-Chemistry group at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel in Brussels, Belgium is a large research group composed on geologists, chemists, bio-engineers, bio-archaeologists working on a variety of topics in Earth and Environmental Sciences. The department is equipped with 4 IRMS, with automated carbonate devices, gas-bench, pyrolysis oven and elemental analysers, HR-ICP-MS, microXRF, portableXRF, and FTIR microscope, and various microscopy techniques. Through collaboration and joint purchases, AMGC also has access to MC-ICP-MS and TIMS. We are now recruiting new researchers to continue our work on paleoclimate reconstructions in recent and deep-time, using speleothems or micro-scale analyses in fossil shells, or applying cyclostratigraphy to establish robust astrochronologies to understand global change events in Paleozoic and Precambrian sequences. A key aspect, more particularly at the post-doctoral level is the development of clumped isotopes application using our new Nu-Perspective-IS IRMS. Outstanding candidate at the post-doc level may also propose their own research topic using AMGC facilities.
The PhD funding is for a duration of max. 4 years, the post-doc positions are 3 year max. Starting dates are flexible, preferentially Spring 2020. Applications will remain open until all positions are filled. Enthusiastic and motivated scientists are encouraged to apply. The salary makes it possible to live comfortably in Brussels and includes benefits (transport, medical etc.).
Questions contact: Philippe Claeys ( by e-mail or skype
We propose a great working environment, friendly colleagues, access to a large variety of analytical techniques, a broad international collaboration network and steady funding.
Candidates with a master degree or PhD in Geology, Earth Sciences or related field with a combination of the following:
- Scientific curiosity,
- Smart, motivated & hard working,
- Quick learner with creative and pragmatic problem-solving approach,
- Skills in geochemistry, sedimentology, analytical techniques.
- Capability to work in English, team player
Start date Spring 2020, or ASAP
HOW TO APPLY: Send your CV before January 31, 2020, with a cover letter, a description of your research interest and the names of three references (all in PDF) to Philippe Claeys,
Thursday, December 12, 2019
iDigBio Paleo Digitization Working Group Workshop
The iDigBio Paleo Digitization Working Group is now accepting applications to attend a workshop focused on georeferencing for paleo collections, to be held in Salt Lake City April 27-29, 2020. This workshop is sponsored by iDigBio and funding for travel to Salt Lake City may be available.
About the workshop: As the paleo collections community wraps up several TCNs we recognize that a significant amount of digitization work remains to be done and that georeferencing is one of the next big roadblocks. Across all collection types, there are major issues with the quality of georeference data currently available on biodiversity data aggregators such as iDigBio and GBIF. For paleo collections, there are additional issues related to applying existing georeferencing workflows in the paleontological context, as well as to sharing georeference data publicly. This workshop will take advantage of the momentum catalyzed by ADBC funding in the paleontological collections community to address critical issues related to georeferencing workflows and georeferencing data quality. We will bring representatives from the paleo TCNs/PENs together with participants representing perspectives external to the existing ADBC community, to:
- Address the lack and poor quality of specimen georeference data shared on biodiversity aggregators, e.g. the iDigBio Portal, by determining recommendations for the paleo collections community on best practices and workflows for generating and sharing this data.
- Identify technical barriers to implementing these recommendations and discuss a strategy for communicating them to standards organizations, aggregators, collection management software solutions, and georeferencing software tools.
- Disseminate the findings of this workshop widely, both within the paleo collections community (including to collectors) and as a resource discoverable by other domains. Findings will include a “toolkit” to share the recommendations on best practices and workflows determined by this workshop.
Scholarship from the Micropalaeontological Society
The Micropalaeontological Society is granting one scholarship to attend the European School on Ostracoda. Please, register first for the school via with a remark for the scholarship and we will send you the form. The deadline is the 17th of January 2020. The registration form can be downloaded here.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019
NAS Postdoc and Senior Research Awards
The National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine administers postdoctoral and senior research awards at participating federal laboratories and affiliated institutions at locations throughout the U.S and abroad. All research opportunities are open to U.S. citizens; some are open to U.S. permanent residents and foreign nationals.
We are actively seeking highly qualified candidates including recent doctoral recipients and senior researchers. Applicants should hold, or anticipate receiving, an earned doctorate in science or engineering. Awards are contingent upon completion of the doctoral degree. A limited number of opportunities in select fields are also available for graduate students. Degrees from universities abroad should be equivalent in training and research experience to a degree from a U.S. institution.
Application deadline dates (four annual review cycles):
Awardee opportunities:
Applicants should contact prospective Research Adviser(s) at the lab(s) prior to the application deadline to discuss their research interests and funding opportunities.
For detailed program information, visit or e-mail
We are actively seeking highly qualified candidates including recent doctoral recipients and senior researchers. Applicants should hold, or anticipate receiving, an earned doctorate in science or engineering. Awards are contingent upon completion of the doctoral degree. A limited number of opportunities in select fields are also available for graduate students. Degrees from universities abroad should be equivalent in training and research experience to a degree from a U.S. institution.
Application deadline dates (four annual review cycles):
- February 1
- May 1
- August 1
- November 1
Awardee opportunities:
- Conduct independent research in an area compatible with the interests of the sponsoring laboratory
- Devote full-time effort to research and publication
- Access the excellent and often unique facilities of the federal research enterprise
- Collaborate with leading scientists and engineers at the sponsoring laboratories
- One-year award, renewable for up to three years
- Stipend ranging from $45,000 to $83,000; may be higher based on experience
- Health insurance (including dental and vision), relocation benefits, and professional travel allowance
Applicants should contact prospective Research Adviser(s) at the lab(s) prior to the application deadline to discuss their research interests and funding opportunities.
For detailed program information, visit or e-mail
Thursday, November 21, 2019
GSA Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct Update
As we approach the end of 2019, we wish to share an update on GSA’s ethics program. Over the past year, GSA’s ethics & compliance officer, Nan Stout, has spearheaded initiatives to build on GSA’s longstanding commitment to integrity and excellence. Read on for a summary of our accomplishments. For more information, sign up for GSA’s ethics webinar on 5 December 2019 at 12:00 p.m. mountain time.

Thanks to the invaluable input from many GSA members and staff, we are pleased to announce GSA’s new Code of Ethics & Professional Conduct. The new Code includes standards we deem critical to the professional success of our members and profession, including expectations to guard against research misconduct, discrimination, harassment, and bullying. The GSA Council approved the new ethics policy to help ensure that all of us, as GSA members, adhere to ethical standards in all of our professional activities—regardless of location or whether the conduct takes place at GSA events.
GSA has established policies and procedures to implement the new Code, which are available on the Ethics homepage. Notably, the Policy & Procedures for Handling Potential Ethical Violations explains the rules GSA uses to process ethics complaints alleging that one of our members has violated the Code. These procedures include safeguards for individuals who report violations and they protect members through the use of reasonable due process procedures to guard against patently false, malicious, or groundless allegations. “We have worked hard to create a fair process that gives individuals with bona fide complaints a way to come forward and also gives individuals accused of wrongdoing a meaningful opportunity to be heard,” said GSA’s executive director, Vicki McConnell.
We are proud of the steps GSA is taking to promote an ethical, professional culture in the geoscience profession, where all people are welcomed, supported, and positioned for success. We are confident our new Code and ethics resources will make a positive difference to our members and profession as a whole.
To learn more about GSA’s ethics initiatives, visit GSA’s Ethics homepage or register for the 5 December webinar from 12–1 mountain time.
Don Siegel
GSA’s President
Robbie Gries
GSA’s Past President
Thanks to the invaluable input from many GSA members and staff, we are pleased to announce GSA’s new Code of Ethics & Professional Conduct. The new Code includes standards we deem critical to the professional success of our members and profession, including expectations to guard against research misconduct, discrimination, harassment, and bullying. The GSA Council approved the new ethics policy to help ensure that all of us, as GSA members, adhere to ethical standards in all of our professional activities—regardless of location or whether the conduct takes place at GSA events.
GSA has established policies and procedures to implement the new Code, which are available on the Ethics homepage. Notably, the Policy & Procedures for Handling Potential Ethical Violations explains the rules GSA uses to process ethics complaints alleging that one of our members has violated the Code. These procedures include safeguards for individuals who report violations and they protect members through the use of reasonable due process procedures to guard against patently false, malicious, or groundless allegations. “We have worked hard to create a fair process that gives individuals with bona fide complaints a way to come forward and also gives individuals accused of wrongdoing a meaningful opportunity to be heard,” said GSA’s executive director, Vicki McConnell.
We are proud of the steps GSA is taking to promote an ethical, professional culture in the geoscience profession, where all people are welcomed, supported, and positioned for success. We are confident our new Code and ethics resources will make a positive difference to our members and profession as a whole.
To learn more about GSA’s ethics initiatives, visit GSA’s Ethics homepage or register for the 5 December webinar from 12–1 mountain time.
Don Siegel
GSA’s President
Robbie Gries
GSA’s Past President
Monday, November 11, 2019
Association of Applied Paleontological Sciences Scholarship
Association of Applied Paleontological Sciences Scholarship
The Association of Applied Paleontological Sciences (AAPS), is a non-profit organization of primarily professional commercial paleontologists that promote science. Each year, the AAPS offers two $1,000.00 scholarships to graduate level students in paleontology attending universities world wide. The two scholarships are given in the names of the James R. Welch Scholarship (for studies in macro invertebrate fossils), and the Charles Sternberg Scholarship (for studies in macro vertebrate fossils). These scholarships are awarded by a majority vote of the membership attending our annual meeting in Tucson every February.
These scholarships are awarded to students who qualify and meet the approval of the board of directors, and the membership. Because a majority of our members are active collectors, a major requirement of acceptance is that the applicant must be active in field research and collecting. In other words, we want the applicant to get out and do work in the field. These funds should thus be primarily used for the collection and preparation of macro fossils.
If you are interested, you may apply by sending a letter of application from you explaining the focus of your studies, your thesis subject, what you need the money for, and what you plan on doing as a career.
You must also submit the following with your letter of application;
1. A letter of recommendation from one or more of your professors or advisors
2. A current Curriculum Vitae or Collage Transcript.
All scholarship application materials must be in our offices no later then December 1st to be considered for the award. Any applications that are incomplete, or not in our offices by December 1st, will not be accepted.
Potential candidates must submit the required information along with the letter from their primary advisor to:You must also submit the following with your letter of application;
1. A letter of recommendation from one or more of your professors or advisors
2. A current Curriculum Vitae or Collage Transcript.
All scholarship application materials must be in our offices no later then December 1st to be considered for the award. Any applications that are incomplete, or not in our offices by December 1st, will not be accepted.
Neal Larson, Scholarship and Grant Chairperson
C/O Larson Paleontology
P.O. Box 1313
Hill City, SD 57745
visit for more details
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Lecturer in Paleobiology- Auburn University
Application Deadline- January 15, 2020
The Department of Geosciences at Auburn University invites applications for a 9-month nontenure-track faculty position in Paleobiology beginning August 15, 2020. The position is a one-year appointment subject to renewal based on performance, need for services, and available funding.
Applicants must have a PhD in geosciences with demonstrable teaching experience at the time the appointment begins. The teaching load will be three courses each semester. The successful candidate will teach undergraduate courses including, but not limited to Earth and Life through Time (introductory Historical Geology) and Introduction to Paleobiology, an upper-level undergraduate/graduate course in Introductory Micropaleontology, as well as one graduate-level course as determined by the candidate's expertise, experience and department needs. Special consideration will be given to candidates with the ability to teach courses in sedimentary geology. Desired qualifications include experience with: (1) implementing inquiry, project, or technology-based active learning into teaching; and (2) quantitative, analytical, and/or field-based tools that could be incorporated into both undergraduate and graduate courses.
Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, a letter of application (1-2 pages) describing teaching philosophy and experience, and the names and contact information of three professional references. To apply please go to http://aufacultypositions.
Auburn University is understanding of and sensitive to the family needs of faculty, including dual-career couples. Please visit the following website for more information:
Applicants are also encouraged to visit the following website to learn more about Auburn University:
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Assistant Professor (Zoology/Paleontology), University of Wisconsin, River Falls
The University of Wisconsin, River Falls, is seeking a zoologist or paleontologist. Specific expertise could be in anatomy, ecology, systematics, evolution, wildlife, or another related field. Vertebrate (non-human) specialty in zoology is preferred, but others are encouraged to apply. The ability to teach an undergraduate paleontology course is required.
This is a full-time, nine-month, tenure-track position in the Department of Biology, but the position also supports the Geology program in the Department of Plant and Earth Science. The standard teaching load is 12 credit (contact) hours per semester, which usually translates into two courses per semester, with labs, but may vary. Starting date: August 24, 2020.
Specific Duties and Responsibilities:
Application deadline for full consideration: December 31, 2019.
For a full description and application instructions see
This is a full-time, nine-month, tenure-track position in the Department of Biology, but the position also supports the Geology program in the Department of Plant and Earth Science. The standard teaching load is 12 credit (contact) hours per semester, which usually translates into two courses per semester, with labs, but may vary. Starting date: August 24, 2020.
Specific Duties and Responsibilities:
- Teach undergraduate courses, likely to include:
- Zoology and/or Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy;
- Paleontology;
- Additional course(s) of interest, depending on expertise, for example, Introductory Biology and/or Geology; Ecology; Wildlife Biology; History of Animal Life; taxon-specific courses (e.g., Herpetology, Mammalogy, Ichthyology), Global Change (Historical Geology), Sedimentary Geology
- Establish and maintain a program of research/scholarship/professional activities.
- Serve as Academic Advisor to undergraduate students.
- Engage in department, college, and university service/committees, as well as community service, where appropriate.
Application deadline for full consideration: December 31, 2019.
For a full description and application instructions see
Monday, October 21, 2019
Geobiology Gordon Research Conference 2020
Announcing the 2020 Gordon Research Conference on:
Geobiology - The Interaction of Microbial and Geological Processes Through Time
Hotel Galvez, Galveston, TX, United States
Chair: Alexandra Turchyn
More information at the Conference Website
Additionally, a Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) will be held in conjunction with this GRC:
Geobiology (GRS) - Merging and Emerging Disciplines in Geobiology
Chairs: Marie Catherine Sforna and John Shukle
More information at the Conference Web Site
What is a GRS?
Gordon Research Seminars (GRS) are 2-day meetings held in conjunction with an associated Gordon Research Conference (GRC) that enable graduate students, post-docs, and other scientists with comparable levels of experience to come together in a highly-stimulating and non-intimidating environment to discuss their current research and build informal networks with their peers. The seminars are organized by young investigators with the support of leading scientists from the associated GRC.
Friday, October 18, 2019
GSA 2019 Student Awards
Dear Geobiology and Geomicrobiology (GBGM) Division Members,
It is our pleasure to announce the winners of the 2019 student presentation awards. This year we had a record number of student participants and there were many interesting talks and posters at this year's GSA Meeting, so thank you to everyone who participated! As usual, we were all impressed with the quality and diversity of research conducted by our student members! Presentation feedback has been sent out.
The many excellent entries always make it difficult to choose winners, but here are the presentations that rose to the top.
Oral presentation winners:
Remy Rovelli - Using Paleoenm to predict patterns of survivorship in the hell creek formation ecosystems across the k/pg mass extinction
Samantha Ocon - Best practices for instagram as a geoscience education tool
Poster presentation winners:
Cathryn Sephus - Shedding light on phototrophic pigment evolution: reconstruction of ancestral rhodopsins
Martina Bennick - Determining the origin of intracameral deposits in the orthocerid genusarionoceras
Honorable mention:
Jasmina Wiemann - Metazoan biomolecule fossilization products record phylogeny, physiology, and biomineralization
Kathryn Mudica - Lead burden in long bones of north american river otters
As with previous years, we'll be handing out prizes at GBGM awards luncheon next year (GSA 2020). If you think you're not going to be able to make it to the meeting, please contact Rowan Martindale, and we'll find a way to get your award sent to you.
We'd like to thank all of the students who contacted us and put their names forward for consideration; it was a real privilege to see and hear about the work you've been doing, and we encourage you to enter again next year. Recognizing the excellent work of our members is the most important aspect of the GBGM division, so please stay in touch. It is wonderful to see the faces of the student population of GSA GBGM and there is a bright future ahead for this group!
We would especially liketo express our deepest gratitude to our members who judged this year's competition. Without your feedback and support, this endeavor would not be possible. We are also very grateful to our student representative Amanda Godbold and Andrew Putt for coordinating everything.
All the best,
Rowan, Vicky, David, Trinity, Lydia, Simon
GSA GBGM Division Executive Committee
Amanda Godbold and Andrew Putt
GSA GBGM Division Student Representatives
Assistant Collections Manager, Vertebrate Paleontology
The Natural History Museum of LA County (NHMLA) seeks an Assistant Collections Manager of Vertebrate Paleontology. NHMLA’s Vertebrate Paleontology collection is the fifth-largest in the U.S., with more than 150,000 specimens. This position is directly supervised by the Collections Manager.
The Assistant Collections Manager works with the Collections Manager to support all ongoing collections activities and to maintain and care for the collection. Tasks include processing incoming and outgoing loans, entering and maintaining database records and supplying data to users, and assisting in routine monitoring and maintenance of the collections workspace. The Assistant Collections Manager facilitates use of the collection by visiting researchers and helps support the needs of other NHMLA departments as directed. The Assistant Collections Manager provides operational coordination and training to staff, volunteers, students, interns, and contractors as needed.
NHMLA is especially interested in candidates whose background and experience have prepared them to contribute to our commitment to engage and include culturally diverse audiences in museums and in science.
- Participates in curation and collection management activities including identifying, classifying, organizing, moving, preparing, and preserving objects, specimens, and archives for research, exhibition and education. May participate in fieldwork. Contributes to conservation of objects as it relates to specimen housings, storage and/or display. Exercises independent judgment in the classification of artifacts and specimens under the general direction of a Collections Manager.
- Maintains collection records and supplies data when requested. Uses computerized databases and digital technology to document information on collections and their locations. Catalogues specimens/objects and localities as necessary for research and exhibitions. Assists in processing loan requests and new acquisitions (e.g. purchases, donations, exchanges).Adheres to all institutional and departmental guidelines for the management of the Museum’s collections.
- Assists visiting scientists by providing logistical access to the collections as directed by the Collections Manager.
- Assists in the routine monitoring and maintenance of the collections workspace, including any laboratory areas, and collection objects and specimens.
- Participates in the Museum’s Public Program activities, including but not limited to, assisting with exhibitions, presentation of public lectures, instruction of Museum classes and participating in educational programs.
- Provides operational coordination and training to staff, volunteers, work study students, interns, and contractors as needed.
- Maintains working space, and purchases collection tools, equipment and supplies.
- Conducts collection and lab tours as needed.
- Bachelor’s degree in a related field and at least one year of experience in a job involving a similar type of collection (e.g. identification, classification, excavation, preparation, or conservation of specimens), or an equivalent combination of education and experience.
- Familiarity with basic collection conservation and care.
- Demonstrated skill and experience in handling museum objects/specimens.
- Basic knowledge of object data and the use of databases in museum collections management.
- Eligibility to work in the U.S.
- Experience using a personal computer and with typical word processing, spreadsheet, email, calendar, and other software (PC and/or Macintosh).
- Master’s degree in a related field
- Demonstrated competency in the use of DSLR cameras and management of digital assets.
- Demonstrated competency in the use and care of dissecting microscopes.
- Ability to effectively present information to and respond to questions from individuals and groups, including the general public.
The incumbent is in a non-confined office-type setting in which he or she is free to move about at will. The environment for this position is mostly clean and comfortable but may include some minor annoyances such as noise, odors, drafts, dust, extreme temperatures, etc.
In the course of performing this work, the incumbent:
- Will spend substantial time sitting, utilizing the computer and microscope.
- Must travel via personal vehicle or public transport to off-site meetings.
- May lift up to 50 lbs. periodically.
- Operate a computer using typical software and internet tools.
- If working in collection or laboratory areas and/or moving collections, respirator, hearing protection, and gloves may be required. During such work, extended periods of standing and stooping may be necessary.
- Must be able to work under any or all of the following lab conditions: resin fumes, dust, various chemicals (e.g. solution and reaction adhesives, acetic, formic or sulfamic acid, polyester resins, or organic solvents), use sharp objects and assist with lifting/moving heavy objects. May be required to wear a lab coat, respirator, face shield, and gloves with the use of chemicals.
The application deadline is November 15, 2019. Submit a current CV, a cover letter describing how your experience, knowledge, and interest qualify you for this position, and the names and contact information of three professional references through the Museum’s employment site at .
Monday, October 14, 2019
Technical Position at St. Andrews
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences,
We are seeking an individual to provide research and technical support to our state-of-the-art gas source IRMS and Geobiology laboratories. These host two Thermo-Finnigan Mat 253 gas source mass spectrometers, one tuned to quadruple S isotope analyses by fluorination and set up for N and C isotope analyses by combustion. They also house a Delta Plus with a gasbench and a TC/EA for C and O isotopes, a GC-MS, an Ion Chromatograph and a Picarro CRDS. The role of the successful applicant will include:
For further details about the research programs and position duties please contact via email Dr Eva Stüeken,, or Dr Mark Claire,, in the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences.
The University of St Andrews is committed to promoting equality of opportunity for all, which is further demonstrated through its working on the Gender and Race Equality Charters and being awarded the Athena SWAN award for women in science, HR Excellence in Research Award and the LGBT Charter (see:
Please quote ref: AR1942SB
Closing Date: 18 October 2019
Interview Date: 5 November 2019
Further Particulars: AR1942SB FPs.doc
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Salary: £33,797 - £40,322 per annum
Start: As soon as possible
We are seeking an individual to provide research and technical support to our state-of-the-art gas source IRMS and Geobiology laboratories. These host two Thermo-Finnigan Mat 253 gas source mass spectrometers, one tuned to quadruple S isotope analyses by fluorination and set up for N and C isotope analyses by combustion. They also house a Delta Plus with a gasbench and a TC/EA for C and O isotopes, a GC-MS, an Ion Chromatograph and a Picarro CRDS. The role of the successful applicant will include:
- maintaining the instruments (MAT253s, Delta Plus XP, GC-MS, IC, CRDS) and their peripherals, troubleshooting technical problems and ensuring that the labs are generating high quality data across a range of applications;
- developing, maintaining and optimising standard methods and bespoke sample preparation techniques including, for example, sulphur distillation lines, oxic Fe extractions, fluorination of S phases for isotope analyses, vacuum crushing of silicates and photochemical experiments;
- helping train laboratory users, including external visitors, post-doctoral research fellows and postgraduate and undergraduate students;
- managing purchase orders for the isotope and the Geobiology prep labs;
- forging and maintaining collaborations with academic and industrial partners who require analyses from the facilities;
- contributing to teaching short laboratory-based practicals for MSc students; and
- oversight of lab safety procedures.
For further details about the research programs and position duties please contact via email Dr Eva Stüeken,, or Dr Mark Claire,, in the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences.
The University of St Andrews is committed to promoting equality of opportunity for all, which is further demonstrated through its working on the Gender and Race Equality Charters and being awarded the Athena SWAN award for women in science, HR Excellence in Research Award and the LGBT Charter (see:
Please quote ref: AR1942SB
Closing Date: 18 October 2019
Interview Date: 5 November 2019
Further Particulars: AR1942SB FPs.doc
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Salary: £33,797 - £40,322 per annum
Start: As soon as possible
Monday, October 7, 2019
Marine Microbes Gordon Research Conference
We wanted to bring to your attention the 2020 Marine Microbes Gordon Research Conference which will be held in Les Diablerets, Switzerland during the week of May 24-29, 2020.
As an attendee of a previous Marine Microbes related GRC, you are aware of the vibrant atmosphere at this young and timely conference series, and we want to encourage you to consider participating in the 2020 GRC by attending and submitting an abstract on your research.
You can also find more information on the 2020 Marine Microbes at the following link:
We look forward to seeing you in Les Diablerets next year!
Best wishes,
Corina P.D. Brussaard, Lasse Riemann and Ramunas Stepanauskas, Chairs
Friday, October 4, 2019
Assistant Professor of Paleontology UNCW
The Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences at the University of North Carolina Wilmington seeks a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Paleontology to begin August 2020. We seek an individual with expertise in Conservation Paleobiology whose research integrates paleoecological, paleoclimatological, and geochronological methods, with a strong potential to utilize UNCW’s coastal setting within the Atlantic Coastal Plain in their research and teaching.
Link to Posting here:
Minimum Requirements: Candidates must have completed a Ph.D. in geology, geoscience, or a related field.
Preferred Qualifications: The successful candidate will:
Primary Function of Organizational Unit
The Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences offers the following degrees: B.S. in geology and oceanography, M.S. and B.A. in geosciences, B.A. in geography, and a Graduate Certificate in GIS. UNCW maintains a full range of analytical facilities in support of research including sedimentology, geospatial analysis, electron microscopy, stable isotope mass spectroscopy, aqueous chemistry, NMR, and DNA sequencing facilities as well as a dive shop, machine shop, and instrument shop at the UNCW Center for Marine Science (
Applicant Instructions
Please include the following:
Please address diversity and inclusiveness in your teaching and/or research statements. All materials must be uploaded to the application portal. No emailed, faxed, or mailed materials will be accepted. Adobe PDF or Word documents are required. Letters of reference will be requested of those candidates who are included in our short-list or invited to interview. Priority consideration will be given to applications received by November 15, 2019, but applications will be accepted until the position is filled.
For questions about the position, contact search committee chair Dr. Todd LaMaskin ( For questions regarding the online application system contact Human Resources at UNCW. (
Link to Posting here:
Minimum Requirements: Candidates must have completed a Ph.D. in geology, geoscience, or a related field.
Preferred Qualifications: The successful candidate will:
- Be committed to exceptional teaching at the introductory level (e.g., physical and historical geology, natural disasters, environmental geology), including oversight of laboratory sections, as well as upper-level undergraduate and graduate courses (e.g., vertebrate and/or invertebrate paleontology, paleoecology, conservation paleobiology).
- Support the established undergraduate and graduate degree programs within the Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences by advising majors and by actively recruiting and mentoring students.
- Establish and maintain a vigorous research program with a significant field component that involves both undergraduate and graduate students, and complements and interfaces with our emerging directions and strengths in coastal and marine processes and hazards, climate/paleoclimate studies, volcanic processes/hazards, crustal dynamics, tectonics of orogenic systems, and water resource issues.
Primary Function of Organizational Unit
The Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences offers the following degrees: B.S. in geology and oceanography, M.S. and B.A. in geosciences, B.A. in geography, and a Graduate Certificate in GIS. UNCW maintains a full range of analytical facilities in support of research including sedimentology, geospatial analysis, electron microscopy, stable isotope mass spectroscopy, aqueous chemistry, NMR, and DNA sequencing facilities as well as a dive shop, machine shop, and instrument shop at the UNCW Center for Marine Science (
Applicant Instructions
Please include the following:
- A brief letter of interest (Cover Letter)
- Statement of teaching and research interests including a list of potential course offerings and plan for actively engaging students in field-based research
- A curriculum vitae
- Copies of graduate transcripts
- Contact information (including e-mail addresses) for three professional references.
Please address diversity and inclusiveness in your teaching and/or research statements. All materials must be uploaded to the application portal. No emailed, faxed, or mailed materials will be accepted. Adobe PDF or Word documents are required. Letters of reference will be requested of those candidates who are included in our short-list or invited to interview. Priority consideration will be given to applications received by November 15, 2019, but applications will be accepted until the position is filled.
For questions about the position, contact search committee chair Dr. Todd LaMaskin ( For questions regarding the online application system contact Human Resources at UNCW. (
Wednesday, October 2, 2019
Tenure-track Assistant or Associate Professor CalState Chico
The Department of Biological Sciences at California State University, Chico is searching for a tenure-track Assistant or Associate Professor to start August 18, 2020. California State University, Chico seeks faculty who are competent in their field, collaborative with colleagues and staff, and committed to student success.
The ideal candidate will share Chico State’s demonstrated commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion, have prior experience working in culturally and socio-economically diverse learning environments, and will contribute to student success through inclusive pedagogy, research and service to the university and surrounding North State communities. We invite you to apply to our welcoming teacher/scholar environment where you can have a successful career. CSU, Chico is committed to recruiting, developing and retaining the most talented people from a diverse candidate pool. The university enrolls over 17,000 students annually; 43% are white, 33% are Latinx, 5% are Asian, 3% are African American, .5% are Native American and 5% are multi ethnic. We proudly hold Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI) designation, and over half of students will be the first in their family to earn a bachelor’s degree.
Review of applications will begin on November 1, 2019. Complete applications received after that date may be considered.
Applicants must provide a current cover letter, a CV, a brief teaching statement, a brief research statement, a complete set of transcripts, All applicants must apply online at: In addition, three letters of reference must be submitted directly to the Search Committee Chair, Dr. Emily Fleming-Nuester at
Minimum Education and Experience
The minimum education requirement for appointment to this position is a PhD in microbiology or a related field. We recognize the modern view of microbiology is broad and includes but is not limited to, field microbiology, health microbiology, and applied and industrial microbiology. Candidates nearing completion of the terminal degree may be considered; however, all requirements for conferral of the degree must be met no later than August 17, 2020. A demonstrated ability or potential to establish externally-funded research, a record of publication, and a strong interest in teaching excellence and enthusiasm for mentoring undergraduate and graduate students in research are also required. The successful candidate should provide evidence of their commitment to or experience promoting and fostering a learning environment that is supportive of individuals from diverse backgrounds.
Additional Requirements and Responsibilities for this position
This position carries responsibilities in the areas of teaching, scholarship, and service. Teaching assignments total 10-14 class hours per week and includes, at a minimum, majors’ introductory microbiology lecture and lab (BIOL 371W), which focuses heavily on bacteria. In addition, based upon qualifications of the individual and the needs of the department, the candidate might participate in other majors’ courses ranging from lower-division undergraduate to graduate courses, or alternatively a non-majors’ introductory microbiology course. Scholarship duties include developing an externally-funded research program involving undergraduate and graduate students, supported by a startup package including research space, equipment and supply funding, and partial release time from teaching in the first two years of the appointment. Service duties include undergraduate advising of microbiology and biology majors, and committee work.
The person holding this position is considered a “mandated reporter” under the California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act and is required to comply with the requirements set forth in CSU Executive Order 1083 (revised July 21, 2017) as a condition of employment.
Recruitment Preferences
Postdoctoral experience, evidence of teaching proficiency and additional expertise in candidate’s area of specialty. Candidates who can interact with current faculty in microbiology, cell biology, genetics, immunology, and biochemistry are especially sought, as are candidates with research expertise to help run and upgrade research/teaching facilities in microbiology or molecular biology.
The ideal candidate will share Chico State’s demonstrated commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion, have prior experience working in culturally and socio-economically diverse learning environments, and will contribute to student success through inclusive pedagogy, research and service to the university and surrounding North State communities. We invite you to apply to our welcoming teacher/scholar environment where you can have a successful career. CSU, Chico is committed to recruiting, developing and retaining the most talented people from a diverse candidate pool. The university enrolls over 17,000 students annually; 43% are white, 33% are Latinx, 5% are Asian, 3% are African American, .5% are Native American and 5% are multi ethnic. We proudly hold Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI) designation, and over half of students will be the first in their family to earn a bachelor’s degree.
Review of applications will begin on November 1, 2019. Complete applications received after that date may be considered.
Applicants must provide a current cover letter, a CV, a brief teaching statement, a brief research statement, a complete set of transcripts, All applicants must apply online at: In addition, three letters of reference must be submitted directly to the Search Committee Chair, Dr. Emily Fleming-Nuester at
Minimum Education and Experience
The minimum education requirement for appointment to this position is a PhD in microbiology or a related field. We recognize the modern view of microbiology is broad and includes but is not limited to, field microbiology, health microbiology, and applied and industrial microbiology. Candidates nearing completion of the terminal degree may be considered; however, all requirements for conferral of the degree must be met no later than August 17, 2020. A demonstrated ability or potential to establish externally-funded research, a record of publication, and a strong interest in teaching excellence and enthusiasm for mentoring undergraduate and graduate students in research are also required. The successful candidate should provide evidence of their commitment to or experience promoting and fostering a learning environment that is supportive of individuals from diverse backgrounds.
Additional Requirements and Responsibilities for this position
This position carries responsibilities in the areas of teaching, scholarship, and service. Teaching assignments total 10-14 class hours per week and includes, at a minimum, majors’ introductory microbiology lecture and lab (BIOL 371W), which focuses heavily on bacteria. In addition, based upon qualifications of the individual and the needs of the department, the candidate might participate in other majors’ courses ranging from lower-division undergraduate to graduate courses, or alternatively a non-majors’ introductory microbiology course. Scholarship duties include developing an externally-funded research program involving undergraduate and graduate students, supported by a startup package including research space, equipment and supply funding, and partial release time from teaching in the first two years of the appointment. Service duties include undergraduate advising of microbiology and biology majors, and committee work.
The person holding this position is considered a “mandated reporter” under the California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act and is required to comply with the requirements set forth in CSU Executive Order 1083 (revised July 21, 2017) as a condition of employment.
Recruitment Preferences
Postdoctoral experience, evidence of teaching proficiency and additional expertise in candidate’s area of specialty. Candidates who can interact with current faculty in microbiology, cell biology, genetics, immunology, and biochemistry are especially sought, as are candidates with research expertise to help run and upgrade research/teaching facilities in microbiology or molecular biology.
Tuesday, October 1, 2019
Geobiology Gordon Research Seminar (GRS)
Dear Geobiology Community,
We are excited to introduce a new Geobiology Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) to be held January 11-12, 2020 (just before the Gordon Research Conference) in Galveston, TX.
GRS will focus on integrative and emerging disciplines in geobiology used to assess critical biological, chemical, and physical processes and feedbacks, as well as reconstruct how these have changed over Earth's history. GRS sessions highlight new experimental and conceptual approaches, and current research questions within the field.
The GRS chairs and discussion leaders are hoping to gather a global group of scientists, especially graduate students and postdocs, to exchange ideas, techniques, and expertise from disparate subdisciplines of geobiology. Schedule, registration instructions, and other relevant information can be found here:
Looking forward to seeing you in Galveston,
Chairs: John, Marie
Discussion leaders: Hayley, Heda, Keyron, Martin
Monday, September 30, 2019
Thanks for a great 2019 GSA Meeting
Hi Everyone,
Hope you are all re-adjusting from your post-GSA email firestorm. To start, the GSA Geobiology & Geomicrobiology Division Executive Committee would like to thank all of our attendees, presenters, and awardees who made this past GSA annual meeting in Phoenix an amazing success. The number of GBGM talks and presentations continues to grow 💪 with a dozen technical oral and poster sessions sponsored or co-sponsored by the GBGM this year alone. A huge thanks as well to all our fellow geobiologists who took the time to celebrate with us for the ever-growing annual awards luncheon.
Congratulations to our Award Winners:
2018 Student Presentation Award Winners 🥇
(L-R) Kathryn Mudica, Rowan Martindale, Erynn Johnson, Victoria Petryshyn, Broc Kokesh
Distinguished Career Awardees 🤓 🎉
We are honored to acknowledge the contributions of these amazing Geobiology leaders. Congratulations to this year's Post-Tenure Career Excellence Award winner Clara Chan (University of Delaware), the 2019 Distinguished Career Award winner is Russell Shapiro (California State University at Chico), and the GBGM 2019 Pre-Tenure Career Award winner is Elizabeth (Betsy) Swanner (Iowa State University).
(L-R) Clara Chan, Russell Shapiro, Elizabeth Swanner
Now for your scrolling pleasure please enjoy some more photos of the awards lunch. 🏆 🍴
Thanks again for a great meeting! 👋
Hope to see you in Montréal, Québec, Canada 🇨🇦
Hope you are all re-adjusting from your post-GSA email firestorm. To start, the GSA Geobiology & Geomicrobiology Division Executive Committee would like to thank all of our attendees, presenters, and awardees who made this past GSA annual meeting in Phoenix an amazing success. The number of GBGM talks and presentations continues to grow 💪 with a dozen technical oral and poster sessions sponsored or co-sponsored by the GBGM this year alone. A huge thanks as well to all our fellow geobiologists who took the time to celebrate with us for the ever-growing annual awards luncheon.
Congratulations to our Award Winners:
2018 Student Presentation Award Winners 🥇
Oral presentation winners:
Kathryn Mudica - Bioaccumulation of Legacy Pollutants Using Lontra Canadensis (North American River Otter) As A Bioindicator
Erynn Johnson - 3D Printing Reveals Strengths And Weaknesses Of Prey Shape During The Mesozoic Marine Revolution
Poster presentation winners:
Broc Kokesh - Phenotypic Trajectory Analysis Reveals Temporal Divergence Of Shell Shape In Bivalves From Adjacent Marine Lakes
Maggie Stephenson - From Palm Savannahs To Hardwood Hammocks And Back: Palynology Of The Paleocene-Eocene Manawianui Drive Section, Bastrop County, TX
Distinguished Career Awardees 🤓 🎉
We are honored to acknowledge the contributions of these amazing Geobiology leaders. Congratulations to this year's Post-Tenure Career Excellence Award winner Clara Chan (University of Delaware), the 2019 Distinguished Career Award winner is Russell Shapiro (California State University at Chico), and the GBGM 2019 Pre-Tenure Career Award winner is Elizabeth (Betsy) Swanner (Iowa State University).
(L-R) Clara Chan, Russell Shapiro, Elizabeth Swanner
Now for your scrolling pleasure please enjoy some more photos of the awards lunch. 🏆 🍴
Hope to see you in Montréal, Québec, Canada 🇨🇦
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Tenure-track Appointments in Science, Mathematics, and/or Statistics, Harvard University
Tenure-track Appointments in Science, Mathematics, and/or Statistics - Harvard University Faculty of Arts and Sciences
The Division of Science at Harvard University is searching for tenure-track faculty (at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor) who will be appointed in one or more of the following departments: Astronomy, Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Human Evolutionary Biology, Mathematics, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Physics, Statistics, and Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology. This is an open-field search, and we invite scholars whose research overlaps with one or more departments or disciplines to apply. This open-field search is independent of and concurrent with other department/discipline-specific searches ( We are committed to building a culturally diverse intellectual community, and we particularly encourage applications from individuals who identify as members of historically underrepresented groups. The appointee will direct an independent research program, and teach and advise undergraduate and graduate students. This appointment is expected to begin on July 1, 2020, or as soon as possible thereafter.
Doctorate or terminal degree in an applicable field required by the time the appointment begins.
Candidates should have a strong record of or commitment to 1) teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels, 2) to broadening institutional diversity, and 3) scholarly excellence.
Your application will be considered complete when the following documents have been submitted to
1. Cover letter, to include which of our academic departments you think are most appropriate for you (
2. Curriculum Vitae
3. Teaching statement describing your teaching and mentoring experience, approach, and philosophy. Include teaching evaluations if available.
4. Research statement including accomplishments and future plans (1-3 pages) and one to two introductory paragraphs summarizing your main research questions and significance in language accessible to a general scientific audience.
5. PDFs of three representative publications, and your ORCID or Google Scholar identifier (or similar) if available.
6. Statement (1-2 pages) describing your efforts to encourage diversity, inclusion, and belonging, including past, current, and anticipated future contributions in these areas.
7. Recommendation letters from 3-5 references. One of these letters must come from someone who has not served as your graduate or postdoctoral advisor.
All applications and materials must be submitted by October 7th, 2019.
Selected candidates will be invited to mandatory interviews on campus on Thursday November 14th and Friday November 15, 2019.
Zoe Fonseca-Kelly
Assistant Dean for Science
The Division of Science at Harvard University is searching for tenure-track faculty (at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor) who will be appointed in one or more of the following departments: Astronomy, Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Human Evolutionary Biology, Mathematics, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Physics, Statistics, and Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology. This is an open-field search, and we invite scholars whose research overlaps with one or more departments or disciplines to apply. This open-field search is independent of and concurrent with other department/discipline-specific searches ( We are committed to building a culturally diverse intellectual community, and we particularly encourage applications from individuals who identify as members of historically underrepresented groups. The appointee will direct an independent research program, and teach and advise undergraduate and graduate students. This appointment is expected to begin on July 1, 2020, or as soon as possible thereafter.
Doctorate or terminal degree in an applicable field required by the time the appointment begins.
Candidates should have a strong record of or commitment to 1) teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels, 2) to broadening institutional diversity, and 3) scholarly excellence.
Your application will be considered complete when the following documents have been submitted to
1. Cover letter, to include which of our academic departments you think are most appropriate for you (
2. Curriculum Vitae
3. Teaching statement describing your teaching and mentoring experience, approach, and philosophy. Include teaching evaluations if available.
4. Research statement including accomplishments and future plans (1-3 pages) and one to two introductory paragraphs summarizing your main research questions and significance in language accessible to a general scientific audience.
5. PDFs of three representative publications, and your ORCID or Google Scholar identifier (or similar) if available.
6. Statement (1-2 pages) describing your efforts to encourage diversity, inclusion, and belonging, including past, current, and anticipated future contributions in these areas.
7. Recommendation letters from 3-5 references. One of these letters must come from someone who has not served as your graduate or postdoctoral advisor.
All applications and materials must be submitted by October 7th, 2019.
Selected candidates will be invited to mandatory interviews on campus on Thursday November 14th and Friday November 15, 2019.
Zoe Fonseca-Kelly
Assistant Dean for Science
Monday, September 16, 2019
GBGM Events at GSA 2019
Hi Everyone,
I am sure you are all enthusiastically preparing for the 2019 GSA meeting in Phoenix, AZ! We wanted to reach out to you before the meeting and let you know about some GSA GBGM sponsored events (and some events that may interest you as Geo(micro)biologists)! The Paleontological Society has a similar list here.
See you at the sessions or at the GSA Geobiology and Geomicrobiology Division Luncheon (Monday)
SUNDAY September 22
MONDAY September 23
Definitely come to our GSA Geobiology and Geomicrobiology Division Luncheon to see our 2019 GBGM Awardees
Monday, 23 September, 12:00 - 1:30 PM, Phoenix Convention Center - Room 103AB, West Building
12:00-1:30pm: Mancuso’s Restaurant, 201 E. Washington St.
TUESDAY September 24
T66. Life and Death of a Craton: Implications of Archean Crust-Keel Systems for Crustal Growth, Crustal Preservation, and Mantle Evolution: Archean crust-keel systems record the earliest stages of evolution of modern earth systems, including: earliest geodynamics, compositional and structural evolution of continental crust, chemical and isotopic evolution of the silicate earth, and early surficial systems (Paul A. Mueller, Carol D. Frost, Jennifer N. Gifford, and David W. Mogk).
T84. Scientific Ocean Drilling’s Impact on Geoscience: Past, Present, and Future: Scientific Ocean Drilling, an international ocean discovery program, has been seminal in developing our understanding of earth systems. This session will provide an overview of past and current accomplishments and highlight future opportunities (Suzanne O'Connell, Ken Miller, David Mallinson, and James D. Wright).
T111. Broadening Participation in Paleontology: Approaches for Enhancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: This session addresses approaches to broadening participation of underrepresented groups in paleontology, including demonstrations and discussion of inclusive teaching practices and student-centered pedagogy as well as innovative outreach projects, mentoring models, and other approaches (Christy C. Visaggi, and Robyn Mieko Dahl).
T112. Quantitative Paleobiology of Marine Ecosystems: This session will discuss scientific data resulting from quantitative methods such as multivariate statistics, machine learning, niche modelling, or community analysis methods to test leading hypotheses in paleobiology (William J. Foster, Amanda Lynn Godbold, and Erin Saupe).
T137. Biogeochemical Interactions in Caves and Karst: Our presentations explore how biology intersects with geology in caves and karst landscapes over diverse spatial and temporal scales. Topics may include microbe-mineral interactions, metal transport and nutrient cycling, and critical zone biogeochemistry (Daniel Jones and Laura Rosales Lagarde).
I am sure you are all enthusiastically preparing for the 2019 GSA meeting in Phoenix, AZ! We wanted to reach out to you before the meeting and let you know about some GSA GBGM sponsored events (and some events that may interest you as Geo(micro)biologists)! The Paleontological Society has a similar list here.
See you at the sessions or at the GSA Geobiology and Geomicrobiology Division Luncheon (Monday)
Social Events (organized by date)
SATURDAY, September 21Paleontological Society (PS) Short Course: Quantitative Methods in Phylogenetic Paleobiology
8:00 AM-5:30pm: Sheraton Phoenix Downtown – Valley of the Sun C
Paleontological Society (PS) Business Meeting & Awards Reception Buffet **Ticketed Event**
6:30-10:30pm: North Ballroom 120 A, North Building, Phoenix Convention Center
Monday, 23 September, 12:00 - 1:30 PM, Phoenix Convention Center - Room 103AB, West Building
This lunch is open to all Geo(micro)biologists and is FREE (Plus we have free coffee mugs!)
Paleontological Society (PS) Mentors in Paleontology Careers Luncheon12:00-1:30pm: Mancuso’s Restaurant, 201 E. Washington St.
Paleontological Society (PS) Schuchert Talk and Student Social
6:30-8:00pm: Phoenix Convention Center, Room 224 A, North Building
TUESDAY September 24
Paleontological Society (PS) Women in Paleontology Reception
6:00-9:00pm: Mancuso’s Restaurant, 201 E. Washington
GBGM Sponsored Sessions (organized by topic)
T41. New Voices in Geobiology: This session will bring together new research focusing on the interplay between geologic and biologic processes with a special emphasis on new field sites, novel materials/methods, and the development/refinement of proxies. (Trinity L. Hamilton, Rowan C. Martindale, Victoria Petryshyn, Simon A.F. Darroch, Lydia S. Tackett, David Gold, Andrew D. Putt, Amanda Lynn Godbold, Daniel S. Jones, Kathryn Hobart, and Joshua Feinberg)- 8 T41. New Voices in Geobiology I, Sunday, 22 September, 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM, Phoenix Convention Center - Room 225AB, North Building
- 58 T41. New Voices in Geobiology II, Sunday, 22 September, 1:30 PM - 5:30PM, Phoenix Convention Center - Room 225AB, North Building
- 104 T41. New Voices in Geobiology (Posters): Monday, 23 September, 9:00 AM - 6:30 PM, Phoenix Convention Center - Hall AB, North Building
T66. Life and Death of a Craton: Implications of Archean Crust-Keel Systems for Crustal Growth, Crustal Preservation, and Mantle Evolution: Archean crust-keel systems record the earliest stages of evolution of modern earth systems, including: earliest geodynamics, compositional and structural evolution of continental crust, chemical and isotopic evolution of the silicate earth, and early surficial systems (Paul A. Mueller, Carol D. Frost, Jennifer N. Gifford, and David W. Mogk).
- 61 T66. Life and Death of a Craton: Implications of Archean Crust-Keel Systems for Crustal Growth, Crustal Preservation, and Mantle Evolution: Sunday, 22 September, 1:30 PM - 5:30 PM, Phoenix Convention Center - Room 131ABC, North Building
- 280 T66. Life and Death of a Craton: Implications of Archean Crust-Keel Systems for Crustal Growth, Crustal Preservation, and Mantle Evolution (Posters): Wednesday, 25 September, 9:00 AM - 6:30 PM, Phoenix Convention Center - Hall AB, North Building
T84. Scientific Ocean Drilling’s Impact on Geoscience: Past, Present, and Future: Scientific Ocean Drilling, an international ocean discovery program, has been seminal in developing our understanding of earth systems. This session will provide an overview of past and current accomplishments and highlight future opportunities (Suzanne O'Connell, Ken Miller, David Mallinson, and James D. Wright).
- 245 T84. Scientific Ocean Drilling’s Impact on Geoscience: Past, Present, and Future: Wednesday, 25 September, 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM, Phoenix Convention Center - Room 228AB, North Building
- 220 T106. Biogeochemical Signatures of Fossils: From Paleoclimate to Diagenesis: Tuesday, 24 September, 1:30 PM - 5:30 PM, Phoenix Convention Center - Room 226ABC, North Building
T111. Broadening Participation in Paleontology: Approaches for Enhancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: This session addresses approaches to broadening participation of underrepresented groups in paleontology, including demonstrations and discussion of inclusive teaching practices and student-centered pedagogy as well as innovative outreach projects, mentoring models, and other approaches (Christy C. Visaggi, and Robyn Mieko Dahl).
- 146 T111. Broadening Participation in Paleontology: Approaches for Enhancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Monday, 23 September, 1:30 PM - 5:30 PM, Phoenix Convention Center - Room 227ABC, North Building
- 195 T111. Broadening Participation in Paleontology: Approaches for Enhancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (Posters): Tuesday, 24 September, 9:00 AM - 6:30 PM, Phoenix Convention Center - Hall AB, North Building
T112. Quantitative Paleobiology of Marine Ecosystems: This session will discuss scientific data resulting from quantitative methods such as multivariate statistics, machine learning, niche modelling, or community analysis methods to test leading hypotheses in paleobiology (William J. Foster, Amanda Lynn Godbold, and Erin Saupe).
- 172 T112. Quantitative Paleobiology of Marine Ecosystems: Tuesday, 24 September, 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM, Phoenix Convention Center - Room 227ABC, North Building
T137. Biogeochemical Interactions in Caves and Karst: Our presentations explore how biology intersects with geology in caves and karst landscapes over diverse spatial and temporal scales. Topics may include microbe-mineral interactions, metal transport and nutrient cycling, and critical zone biogeochemistry (Daniel Jones and Laura Rosales Lagarde).
- 16 T137. Biogeochemical Interactions in Caves and Karst: Sunday, 22 September, 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM, Phoenix Convention Center - Room 224B, North Building
- 34 T137. Biogeochemical Interactions in Caves and Karst (Posters): Sunday, 22 September, 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM, Phoenix Convention Center - Hall AB, North Building
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