It’s that time of year! Please consider nominating someone for a Paleontological Society Award. Information about the awards, including criteria, a list of past awardees, and information about how to nominate, is available on the Society’s webpage. The requirements for nomination are not burdensome: a letter describing the nominee's achievements (in less than 3 pages), the nominee's CV, and no more than 5 letters supporting the nomination.
The deadline to submit a nomination is February 1, 2017.
Paleontological Society Medal: The Paleontological Society Medal is the most prestigious honor bestowed by the Society, reflecting the objectives and standards of the Society. It is awarded to a person whose eminence is based on advancement of knowledge in paleontology.
Schuchert Award: The Charles Schuchert Award is presented to a person no more than fifteen years past completion of his or her PhD whose work early in his or her career reflects excellence and promise in the science of paleontology, and thus reflects the objectives and standards of the Paleontological Society.
Strimple Award: The Strimple Award recognizes outstanding achievement in paleontology by amateurs (someone who does not make a living full-time from paleontology). Contributions may be an outstanding record of research and publication, making outstanding collections, safeguarding unique paleontological materials through public service, teaching activities in the area of paleontology, and collaborations with others working in paleontology. Anyone, including other amateurs, may make a nomination. Nominators do not have to be members of the Paleontological Society.
Pojeta Award: The Pojeta Award was established to recognize exceptional professional or public service by individuals or groups in the field of paleontology above and beyond that of existing formal roles or responsibilities.
The Society seeks to recognize the achievements of colleagues across the range of fields of paleontology (invertebrate, vertebrate, and micropaleontology, paleobotany, ichnology), and from a range of institutional affiliations. And we are an international organization, so nominees from outside the U.S. are quite appropriate.
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