Happiest of Holidays from the GSA Geobiology and Geomicrobiology Division!
We hope 2017 is a happy and healthy year for you and yours!
This is a website for the Geobiology and Geomicrobiology Division of GSA
Monday, December 26, 2016
Friday, December 16, 2016
Environmental Geochemistry position-Queen's University
The Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering and the School of Environmental Studies at Queen’s University jointly invite applications for a Queen’s National Scholar (QNS) position at the rank of Assistant Professor or Associate Professor with specialization in Environmental Geochemistry. This is a tenured or tenure-track position held jointly in the Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering and the School of Environmental Studies with a preferred starting date of July 1, 2017.
Please follow the link for further information:
Thursday, December 15, 2016
GSA GBGM student presentation award winners
We are delighted to announce the winners of the second annual GSA GBGM student presentation awards. We were all truly blown away by both the quality and sheer diversity of research conducted by our student members. It was an extraordinary experience for many of us, scurrying between back-to-back talks on topics as disparate as biogeochemical cycling, mass extinctions, using goats to manage invasive plants, soft tissue preservation in the fossil record, the early evolution of complex life.From amongst all of these, we've identified some outstanding research that we thought we should recognize with student presentation awards. This was not an easy decision and a very competitive field of great talks and posters. Because there were so many excellent presentations (and only 4 awards to give out), we've also highlighted some honorable mentions. Without further ado:Oral presentationsWinners:Amanda Godbold: 'The refugia concept following the End-Permian mass extinction'Ross Anderson: 'Sediment composition of Burgess Shale type Lagerstätten: Implications for soft-tissue preservation'Honorable mentions:Amanda Garcia: 'Reconstructed ancestral enzymes suggest that Earth's photic-zone temperature markedly decreased over geologic time'Joshua Zimmt: 'Revisiting growth increment counting as a method for biologically aging Crassostrea virginica from the U.S. Mid-Atlantic'Poster presentationsWinners:Natalia Bykova: 'Ediacaran macroalgae and the early evolution of animals'Dylan Wilmeth: 'Methanotrophy in 2.7 Ga South African Lakes'Honorable mentions:Amanda Facciol: 'A novel experimental instrument for the study of tissue decay and exceptional preservation'Elizabeth Clark: 'Soft tissue preservation in Paleozoic Ophiuroids: novel insights through 3D imaging'As per last year, we'll be handing out prizes at the GBGM awards luncheon next year, shortly after we announce our faculty awards. We'd like to thank all of the students who contacted us and put their names forward for consideration...it was a real privilege to see and hear about the work you've all been doing, and we encourage you to enter again next year. Recognizing the excellent work of our members is the most important aspect of the GBGM Division. It is wonderful to see the diversity of the student population of GSA GBGM and there is a bright future ahead for this group. |
Monday, December 12, 2016
GBGM Executive Committee Election Results
Election results
are in and congratulations are in order for our new board members for 2016-2018!
Chair: Simon
is an Assistant Professor in the
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Vanderbilt University, having
completed his PhD at Yale in 2015, and a brief stint as a postdoctoral
researcher at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. Simon is a geobiologist with a background in
field geology, biology, and ecology, and has also been involved in industry with
Royal Dutch Shell. His research has two principal directions – Ediacaran
paleobiology and the Cambrian explosion of animals (including taphonomy,
biogeography, and ecology), and the paleoecology of mass extinction events,
with an emphasis on how patterns from the fossil record can be used to build
predictive models for the future.
Vice Chair:
Rowan Martindale
Rowan is
an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geological Sciences at the JacksonSchool of Geosciences. She completed her Bachelor’s degree in Geological
Sciences (general degree in biology) at Queen’s University (Canada) in
2007. In 2012 Rowan completed her Ph.D. with the Bottjer Lab at
the University of Southern California (Los Angeles,
USA). Rowan joined the Jackson School in 2014 after a two-year
postdoctoral fellowship at Harvard University with the Knoll research group
studying the Toarcian Ocean Anoxic Event and Paleoproterozoic carbonates. Her
research involves both field and lab work, from large scale mapping to thin section
analysis of microfossils. Recent research is primarily focused on reef
paleoecology, exceptional fossilization of marine communities, and the
geobiology of carbon cycle perturbation events (e.g. ocean acidification in
deep time). In the last two years (while Secretary of the GBGM division)
she set up the division website (http://gsageobiology.blogspot.com/)
and facilitated the expansion of the division into social media
(Facebook and Twitter).
Victoria Petryshyn
received her Ph.D. 2012, University of Southern California. After that, she
spent two years as a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Earth,
Planetary, and Space Sciences at the University of California, Los Angeles,
working on applications of the carbonate “clumped isotope” paleothermometer in
microbialite-forming environments.
Following that, she spent a year as a post-doc at the European Institute
of Marine Studies in Brest, France learning how to interpret rare earth
elements in stromatolites. This fall,
Vicky accepted a faculty position in the Environmental Studies program back atUSC. Her main focus has been the development of stromatolites and other
terrestrial carbonates as high-resolution paleoclimate archives, both in the
modern and in deep time, though she is also greatly interested at
reconstructing physiochemical conditions during key earth-life transitions. For
the past seven years, she has been an instructor on the Agouron International
Geobiology Course, an intensive 5-week training course for graduate students
that explores the co-evolution of Earth and the biosphere. Vicky has served as GBGM’s treasurer for the
last two years, during which, we can all agree, the food has been spectacular
Secretary: Lydia
is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geosciences at North DakotaState University. She completed her Bachelor’s degree in Biological
Anthropology at Temple University (Philadelphia, USA) in 2007. In
2014 Lydia completed her Ph.D. with the David Bottjer at the University of
Southern California (Los Angeles, USA). Lydia joined the Geosciences faculty at
NDSU later in 2014. Her research spans much of the Mesozoic, but in particular
the suite of environmental and biological events of the Late Triassic and Early
Jurassic. Lydia’s ongoing research focuses on identifying marine
paleoecological changes of the Late Triassic, and has active field sites in
Nevada, Italy, and New Zealand. Her research also incorporates strontium
isotope geochemistry to correlate global biostratigraphic series and major
ecological transitions. More recently, her research group is investigating the
potential life-modes of enigmatic worms from the latest Ediacaran and the
effect of these activities on critical layer geochemistry.
Representative: Selva Marroquín
Selva is
a first year PhD Student in the Gill Lab at Virginia Tech. She received her Masters degree in
Geological Sciences from the University of Texas at Austin in May 2016 and
previously received her BS in Geological Sciences from Tufts University in
2014. Her MSc research focused on coleoids (vampire squid) from an Early
Jurassic Lagerstätte from Alberta that contains the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic
Event (T-OAE). Her PhD research focuses on sedimentary geochemistry and utilizes various isotope proxies to expand the
record of the T-OAE into the Southern Hemisphere (Argentina, Peru, and New
Zealand). She also plans to use geochemistry to investigate the environmental
conditions facilitating exceptional fossil preservation associated with this
Representative: Anna Weiss
is a third year PhD candidate in the Martindale lab at UT Austin. Anna received
her undergraduate degree in Anthropology and Geology from Stony Brook
University in 2013. Her research interests are broad and include the
consequences of climate change for biotic communities, the evolution of
keystone species, and the use of databases, statistical analyses, and models in
paleoecology. At UT, she focuses on the impacts of temperature, nutrients, and
other environmental stressors on corals during a carbon-cycle perturbation
event approximately 56 million years ago (the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum).
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Assistant Professor in Hydrologic and Water Science- UT Austin
The Department of Geological Sciences in the Jackson School
of Geosciences at The University of Texas at Austin seeks to
hire a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Hydrologic and Water
Science. We seek candidates at the forefront of their science
and who have interdisciplinary research and teaching interests.
This search covers a wide range of disciplines related to water.
Candidates interested in chemical, physical, and ecological
processes and water resource sustainability, are encouraged to
As part of the Jackson School of Geosciences, the Department of Geological Sciences has over 50 faculty and a community
of research staff with a broad range of specialization and access
to outstanding research facilities and support.
Applicants should submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae, statements of research and teaching interests, and contact information for at least three references. Submit electronic copies of these materials online at https://apply.interfolio.com/39541. For questions related to the search, please contact dgs@jsg.utexas.edu. Review of applications will begin January 6, 2017 and continue until the position is filled. The University of Texas at Austin is an Equal Opportunity Employer with a commitment to diversity at all levels.
Applicants should submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae, statements of research and teaching interests, and contact information for at least three references. Submit electronic copies of these materials online at https://apply.interfolio.com/39541. For questions related to the search, please contact dgs@jsg.utexas.edu. Review of applications will begin January 6, 2017 and continue until the position is filled. The University of Texas at Austin is an Equal Opportunity Employer with a commitment to diversity at all levels.
Monday, November 21, 2016
Two Positions at St. Andrews (Lecturer and Professor)
The Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at St. Andrews University (Scotland) invites applications
for a Professorial-level appointment and a Lectureship-level (similar to Assistant Professor) appointment. They welcome individuals whose research spans one or more of
tectonics, structural and metamorphic geology, volcanology, Earth system
modelling, Earth resources, palaeontology, sedimentary geology, and
stratigraphy. The successful candidate will
complement the vibrant research groups in Global Change, Solid Earth and
Planetary Science, Geobiology, Economic Geology and Energy, and Earth
Surface Processes, and will be expected to develop externally funded,
innovative and impactful research programmes.
Lecturer: St. Andrews seeks outstanding individuals who utilise
field-based research to address fundamental questions about Earth System
behaviour and evolution.
Professor: St. Andrews seeks outstanding
individuals who address fundamental questions about Earth System
behaviour and evolution, and can contribute to excellence in field-based
More information about the Department can be found at http://earthsci.st-andrews.ac.uk/ and informal enquiries should be directed to: Dr Tony Prave (ap13@st-andrews.ac.uk).
The closing date for applications is 20 December.
From St. Andrews:
Our analytical facilities are outstanding and underpin research at the forefront of isotope geochemistry and biogeochemistry. Our work is complemented by collaborations with researchers in the Schools of Biology, Chemistry and Physics, and the Environmental Change research group in the Department of Geography and Sustainable Development, as well as with the Scottish Oceans Institute, the European Marine Biology Research Centre, the Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland, and the Centre for Advanced Materials.
Applications are particularly welcome from women who are under-represented in Science posts at the University. You can find out more about Equality and Diversity at https://www.st-andrews.ac.uk.hr.edi/. The University of St Andrews is committed to promoting equality of opportunity for all, which is further demonstrated through its working on the Gender and Race Equality Charters and being awarded the Athena SWAN award for women in science, HR Excellence in Research Award and the LGBT Charter; http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/hr/edi/diversityawards/.
Our analytical facilities are outstanding and underpin research at the forefront of isotope geochemistry and biogeochemistry. Our work is complemented by collaborations with researchers in the Schools of Biology, Chemistry and Physics, and the Environmental Change research group in the Department of Geography and Sustainable Development, as well as with the Scottish Oceans Institute, the European Marine Biology Research Centre, the Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland, and the Centre for Advanced Materials.
Applications are particularly welcome from women who are under-represented in Science posts at the University. You can find out more about Equality and Diversity at https://www.st-andrews.ac.uk.hr.edi/. The University of St Andrews is committed to promoting equality of opportunity for all, which is further demonstrated through its working on the Gender and Race Equality Charters and being awarded the Athena SWAN award for women in science, HR Excellence in Research Award and the LGBT Charter; http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/hr/edi/diversityawards/.
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Demystifying the IODP Proposal Process for Early Career Scientists: Northern Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico
January 23-25, 2017 in Austin, Texas, USA
Workshop Committee: Chris Lowery (Univ. Texas Austin), Andy Fraass (Natl. Mus. of Nat. Hist., SI), Molly Patterson (SUNY Binghamton), Justin Dodd (North. Illinois Univ.), Jason Coenen (North. Illinois Univ.)
Steering Committee: Steve D’Hondt (Univ. of Rhode Island), Sean Gulick (Univ. Texas Austin), Susan Humphris (WHOI), Christina Ravelo (Univ. of California, Santa Cruz)
Deadline to Apply: Extended to November 23, 2016, to encourage more participation from the Deep Biosphere, Earth Connections, and Earth in Motion themes of the IODP Science Plan.
Participation support is available from the Consortium for Ocean Leadership for a limited number of graduate students and early career researchers (i.e., completed their PhD within the past 10 years) from U.S. institutions and organizations. Past research experience in Gulf of Mexico and/or Atlantic Ocean basins is not required. Participants will share rooms.
U.S. scientists who are interested in participating in the workshop should send: (1) a 2-page CV or biographical sketch (NSF-style); and (2) a 1-page statement of interest to Andy Fraass (FraassA@si.edu) no later than November 23, 2016. In the statement of interest, please identify your research specialty and the IODP theme that you most identify with (see IODP Science Plan). The deadline has been extended to November 23rd to encourage more participation from the Deep Biosphere, Earth Connections, and Earth in Motion themes.
MOTIVATION: Scientific ocean drilling is central to the study of Earth’s climate history, tectonic evolution, and deep biosphere. A large, dynamic, and diverse ocean drilling community is vital to the health of the program; engaging early career scientists in cruise planning and leadership is critical to the future of IODP. For early career scientists who are new to the community, developing an IODP proposal from conception to drilling is a daunting task that can appear insurmountable. This workshop for early career researchers aims to correct that. Participants will hear a series of speakers explain the structure of IODP and how early career scientists can become more deeply involved. Then, they will work on the initial stages of developing real drilling proposals (to be vastly expanded post-workshop) in the Northern Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico.
This workshop will:
1) Provide early career scientists with direct experience in the IODP proposal process,
2) Build an interdisciplinary community of early career researchers that will be able to develop active research programs in coordination with the evolving landscape of ocean drilling research,
3) And develop drilling proposal ideas to investigate the North Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico, where the JOIDES Resolution is expected to be drilling in FY20-21. Prior research experience in these basins is not required for participation.
OBJECTIVES: The primary objective of this workshop is the development of the next generation of IODP scientists, both by educating participants about upper-level IODP functions and building collaborative relationships within our peer-group. We aim to attract a diverse array of specialties (geophysics, paleoceanography, deep biosphere, tectonics, etc.) to facilitate interdisciplinary collaborations. To achieve these goals, groups of participants will work together on developing the initial ideas for real IODP proposals. We expect to leave the workshop with “roadmaps” for drilling proposals, which can then be extensively developed in the following months into Preliminary Proposals for submission to IODP. Experienced ocean drilling researchers will give talks on the IODP proposal process, mentor groups as they work on their proposal ideas, and provide a mock review at the end of the workshop.
Contact Chris Lowery (clowery@utexas.edu) or Andy Fraass (FraassA@si.edu)
Workshop Committee: Chris Lowery (Univ. Texas Austin), Andy Fraass (Natl. Mus. of Nat. Hist., SI), Molly Patterson (SUNY Binghamton), Justin Dodd (North. Illinois Univ.), Jason Coenen (North. Illinois Univ.)
Steering Committee: Steve D’Hondt (Univ. of Rhode Island), Sean Gulick (Univ. Texas Austin), Susan Humphris (WHOI), Christina Ravelo (Univ. of California, Santa Cruz)
Deadline to Apply: Extended to November 23, 2016, to encourage more participation from the Deep Biosphere, Earth Connections, and Earth in Motion themes of the IODP Science Plan.
Participation support is available from the Consortium for Ocean Leadership for a limited number of graduate students and early career researchers (i.e., completed their PhD within the past 10 years) from U.S. institutions and organizations. Past research experience in Gulf of Mexico and/or Atlantic Ocean basins is not required. Participants will share rooms.
U.S. scientists who are interested in participating in the workshop should send: (1) a 2-page CV or biographical sketch (NSF-style); and (2) a 1-page statement of interest to Andy Fraass (FraassA@si.edu) no later than November 23, 2016. In the statement of interest, please identify your research specialty and the IODP theme that you most identify with (see IODP Science Plan). The deadline has been extended to November 23rd to encourage more participation from the Deep Biosphere, Earth Connections, and Earth in Motion themes.
MOTIVATION: Scientific ocean drilling is central to the study of Earth’s climate history, tectonic evolution, and deep biosphere. A large, dynamic, and diverse ocean drilling community is vital to the health of the program; engaging early career scientists in cruise planning and leadership is critical to the future of IODP. For early career scientists who are new to the community, developing an IODP proposal from conception to drilling is a daunting task that can appear insurmountable. This workshop for early career researchers aims to correct that. Participants will hear a series of speakers explain the structure of IODP and how early career scientists can become more deeply involved. Then, they will work on the initial stages of developing real drilling proposals (to be vastly expanded post-workshop) in the Northern Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico.
This workshop will:
1) Provide early career scientists with direct experience in the IODP proposal process,
2) Build an interdisciplinary community of early career researchers that will be able to develop active research programs in coordination with the evolving landscape of ocean drilling research,
3) And develop drilling proposal ideas to investigate the North Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico, where the JOIDES Resolution is expected to be drilling in FY20-21. Prior research experience in these basins is not required for participation.
OBJECTIVES: The primary objective of this workshop is the development of the next generation of IODP scientists, both by educating participants about upper-level IODP functions and building collaborative relationships within our peer-group. We aim to attract a diverse array of specialties (geophysics, paleoceanography, deep biosphere, tectonics, etc.) to facilitate interdisciplinary collaborations. To achieve these goals, groups of participants will work together on developing the initial ideas for real IODP proposals. We expect to leave the workshop with “roadmaps” for drilling proposals, which can then be extensively developed in the following months into Preliminary Proposals for submission to IODP. Experienced ocean drilling researchers will give talks on the IODP proposal process, mentor groups as they work on their proposal ideas, and provide a mock review at the end of the workshop.
Contact Chris Lowery (clowery@utexas.edu) or Andy Fraass (FraassA@si.edu)
Peter Buck Deep Time Postdoctoral Fellowship- Smithsonian
Department of Paleobiology, MRC-121
National Museum of Natural History
Smithsonian Institution, PO Box 37012
Washington D.C. 20013-7012, U.S.A.
Closing Date: January 15, 2017
Applications are invited for a two-year Research Fellowship (postdoctoral) in Paleobiology relating to the goals of the Deep Time Initiative at the National Museum of Natural History. This fellowship involves 75% time commitment to research and 25% time commitment toward advancing science education at NMNH through direct interaction with our public. The appointment provides stipend ($48 K/yr), a research/travel allowance ($4 K/yr), support for health insurance ($2K/yr), and a one-time relocation allowance ($1K). The successful applicant will be expected to conduct independent research through the study of systematics, paleoecology, functional biology, field investigations, etc., and involving NMNH collections. The awardee will be expected to be involved in the scholarly activities of the department and public outreach in the museum. Priority will be given to proposals that: 1) involve research related to Deep Time over-arching themes, 2) indicate a high standard of research productivity, creativity, and interactivity, 3) provide evidence of ability to communicate science to the public - orally, in writing, through social media, citizen science, etc.
The Deep Time (DT) initiative is focused on understanding connections between 4.6 billion years of environmental change, the diversity of life, and the future of our species on Earth. The four focal themes for our Deep Time research, exhibits, and outreach include: 1) evolution of organisms, 2) evolution of ecosystems, 3) earth processes, 4) connections among these forces including to our human past, present and future. This is a critical time in the history of our planet because one increasingly abundant, heterotrophic species has become a global scale force of rapid environmental and biotic change. Through understanding of the fossil and geological record, the Deep Time Initiative seeks to inform and inspire the global community about connections between the past, present, and future of life on Earth and help create citizens for a changing planet.
Note: Applications are welcome for research specialists in all types of fossil organisms, especially dinosaurs and marine macro-invertebrates because of their important roles in the new exhibit and in educational programming.
Information about the Paleobiology Department and the Evolution of Terrestrial Ecosystems (ETE) Program can be found at http://paleobiology.si.edu/, http://naturalhistory.si.edu/ETE/ , the collections at http://collections.mnh.si.edu/search/paleo/ , and the Deep Time exhibit renovation at http://www.mnh.si.edu/fossil-hall/
Applicants should have a proven record of research accomplishment and knowledge of the fossil record. Starting dates for the fellowship are between May 1 and August 1, 2017, and all formal requirements for a Ph.D. must be completed before the end of this time interval. To apply, send: (1) curriculum vitae; (2) pdfs of recent publications (maximum of three); (3) proposed research for the two-year interval (up to 5 double-spaced pages, including figures, 11 point type); (4) a 1-page teaching and outreach statement of accomplishments and interests, and (5) two letters of reference submitted separately by the referees.
All application materials should be submitted to Dr. Brian Huber, huberb@si.edu, in pdf format by 15 January, 2017. Questions regarding the fellowship should be emailed to Dr. Anna K. Behrensmeyer, behrensa@si.edu or Dr. Brian Huber, huberb@si.edu.
Note that this Deep Time Fellowship call is separate from the Smithsonian's regular Fellowship Program (http://www.smithsonianofi.com/fellowship-opportunities/smithsonian-institution-fellowship-program/ ), which has a fixed deadline of December 1 and is 100% research.
The Smithsonian Institution is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
National Museum of Natural History
Smithsonian Institution, PO Box 37012
Washington D.C. 20013-7012, U.S.A.
Closing Date: January 15, 2017
Applications are invited for a two-year Research Fellowship (postdoctoral) in Paleobiology relating to the goals of the Deep Time Initiative at the National Museum of Natural History. This fellowship involves 75% time commitment to research and 25% time commitment toward advancing science education at NMNH through direct interaction with our public. The appointment provides stipend ($48 K/yr), a research/travel allowance ($4 K/yr), support for health insurance ($2K/yr), and a one-time relocation allowance ($1K). The successful applicant will be expected to conduct independent research through the study of systematics, paleoecology, functional biology, field investigations, etc., and involving NMNH collections. The awardee will be expected to be involved in the scholarly activities of the department and public outreach in the museum. Priority will be given to proposals that: 1) involve research related to Deep Time over-arching themes, 2) indicate a high standard of research productivity, creativity, and interactivity, 3) provide evidence of ability to communicate science to the public - orally, in writing, through social media, citizen science, etc.
The Deep Time (DT) initiative is focused on understanding connections between 4.6 billion years of environmental change, the diversity of life, and the future of our species on Earth. The four focal themes for our Deep Time research, exhibits, and outreach include: 1) evolution of organisms, 2) evolution of ecosystems, 3) earth processes, 4) connections among these forces including to our human past, present and future. This is a critical time in the history of our planet because one increasingly abundant, heterotrophic species has become a global scale force of rapid environmental and biotic change. Through understanding of the fossil and geological record, the Deep Time Initiative seeks to inform and inspire the global community about connections between the past, present, and future of life on Earth and help create citizens for a changing planet.
Note: Applications are welcome for research specialists in all types of fossil organisms, especially dinosaurs and marine macro-invertebrates because of their important roles in the new exhibit and in educational programming.
Information about the Paleobiology Department and the Evolution of Terrestrial Ecosystems (ETE) Program can be found at http://paleobiology.si.edu/, http://naturalhistory.si.edu/E
Applicants should have a proven record of research accomplishment and knowledge of the fossil record. Starting dates for the fellowship are between May 1 and August 1, 2017, and all formal requirements for a Ph.D. must be completed before the end of this time interval. To apply, send: (1) curriculum vitae; (2) pdfs of recent publications (maximum of three); (3) proposed research for the two-year interval (up to 5 double-spaced pages, including figures, 11 point type); (4) a 1-page teaching and outreach statement of accomplishments and interests, and (5) two letters of reference submitted separately by the referees.
All application materials should be submitted to Dr. Brian Huber, huberb@si.edu, in pdf format by 15 January, 2017. Questions regarding the fellowship should be emailed to Dr. Anna K. Behrensmeyer, behrensa@si.edu or Dr. Brian Huber, huberb@si.edu.
Note that this Deep Time Fellowship call is separate from the Smithsonian's regular Fellowship Program (http://www.smithsonianofi.com
The Smithsonian Institution is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Go Vote!
Today seems to be an appropriate time to post this! GSA Geobiology and Geomicrobiology (GBGM) Division members, please go
vote for your 2016-2018 executive committee; you can even do this while
you are waiting in line to vote for your favorite candidate the US
election (assuming you're in the US and can vote).
You can access the ballot for the 2016 Management Board via an email (sent to all members this morning) or this link (use your GSA member number or email to log in). Open positions are Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer, and the biographical information for each candidate is linked next to their name on the ballot. Ballots will be open through 30 November 2016.
You can access the ballot for the 2016 Management Board via an email (sent to all members this morning) or this link (use your GSA member number or email to log in). Open positions are Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer, and the biographical information for each candidate is linked next to their name on the ballot. Ballots will be open through 30 November 2016.
Thursday, October 27, 2016
Geobiology at GSA 2016
We had a fabulous time at GSA this year, here are some shots of our division luncheon and awards ceremony.
The Distinguished Career Award Recipient Dawn Sumner (University of California - Davis)
The Pre-Tenure Award Recipient Erik Sperling (Stanford University)
The 2015 student presentation award winners
Oral Presentation Winners:
Honorable mentions:
Poster Presentation Winners:
Honorable mentions:
We hope everyone enjoyed the lunch, see you next year!
Outgoing president Marc Laflamme (right) and incoming president Simon Darrock (left) |
The Distinguished Career Award Recipient Dawn Sumner (University of California - Davis)
Dawn Sumner (left) and outgoing president Marc Laflamme (right) |
Dawn said this was one of the most meaningful awards she had won because it was from her own people (Geobiologists). Thank you for being a fabulous advocate for geobiology Dawn! |
The Pre-Tenure Award Recipient Erik Sperling (Stanford University)
We expect great things Erik, no pressure! |
Outgoing president Marc Laflamme (left) and Erik Sperling (right) |
The 2015 student presentation award winners
Left to right: Marc Laflamme, Sharon Newman, Lucy Chang, Brooke Long, Sarah Kahanamoku, and Simon Darroch |
Oral Presentation Winners:
- Lucy Chang: 'Morphological predictors of background extinction risk for ammonites through the Cretaceous'
- Sharon Newman: 'A recipe for cyanobacterial fossilization in siliciclastic environments'
Honorable mentions:
- Erynn Johnson: 'Can we learn anything from all those pieces? Obtaining data on drilling predation from fragmented high-spired gastropod shells'
- Dylan Wilmeth: 'Microbial metabolisms influence carbonate precipitation in a laminated microbial mat'
Poster Presentation Winners:
- Sarah Kahanamoku: 'High-throughput semi-3D imaging of macroinvertebrates: a test case using Northeastern Pacific patellogastropods'
- Brooke Long: 'Testing the association of Stewartia floridana shell morphology with environmental parameters in a coastal seagrass area'
Honorable mentions:
- William Gearty: 'Phylogenetic and fossil evidence for a common body size attractor in marine mammals'
- Elizabeth Clark: 'Biomechanical analysis of stylophoran (phylum Echinodermata) motion'
We hope everyone enjoyed the lunch, see you next year!
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Curator of Invertebrate Paleontology & Paleobotany, and Assistant Professor in Geological Sciences
The University of Colorado Museum of Natural History and Department of Geological Sciences, University of Colorado Boulder invite applications for a tenure-track appointment as Curator of Invertebrate Paleontology & Paleobotany and Assistant Professor of Geological Sciences. We seek a scientist who will conduct field and collection-based research in one or more of the following areas: evolutionary studies, systematics, organismal paleobiology, paleoecology, taphonomy, and paleoenvironmental reconstruction. The Museum's Invertebrate Paleontology and Paleobotany collections house approximately 200,000 catalogued specimens, with strengths in Cenozoic terrestrial arthropods (and associated plants), as well as marine invertebrates and foraminiferans from the Western Interior Seaway. Most holdings are from the Rocky Mountain region, but the collection includes other US and international materials.
Primary responsibilities will be to develop a research program at the forefront of paleontology; to curate, develop and increase the visibility of the Museum's Invertebrate Paleontology and Paleobotany collections, including their digital assets; and to teach in the Museum and Field Studies Graduate Program and the Department of Geological Sciences.
Applicants must have a doctoral degree in geology, biology, paleontology, or a related field, and express a commitment to research, curation, teaching, and mentoring. The successful candidate should complement existing expertise in paleontology and related fields in the Department of Geological Sciences. Application materials must be submitted electronically at https://www.cu.edu/cu-careers, job posting 07197. To apply, please collate the following into a single PDF file: cover letter, curriculum vita, proof of degree, names and addresses of four references, a statement of research that clearly outlines to non-specialists how the applicant's research contributes to the most important scientific problems in his/her discipline; a statement of teaching experience and philosophy; a statement of curatorial experience and vision; and representative publications.
For full consideration, please apply by November 30, 2016. The search is open until filled. Direct questions to Paleosearch@colorado.edu. The University of Colorado is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
Primary responsibilities will be to develop a research program at the forefront of paleontology; to curate, develop and increase the visibility of the Museum's Invertebrate Paleontology and Paleobotany collections, including their digital assets; and to teach in the Museum and Field Studies Graduate Program and the Department of Geological Sciences.
Applicants must have a doctoral degree in geology, biology, paleontology, or a related field, and express a commitment to research, curation, teaching, and mentoring. The successful candidate should complement existing expertise in paleontology and related fields in the Department of Geological Sciences. Application materials must be submitted electronically at https://www.cu.edu/cu-careers, job posting 07197. To apply, please collate the following into a single PDF file: cover letter, curriculum vita, proof of degree, names and addresses of four references, a statement of research that clearly outlines to non-specialists how the applicant's research contributes to the most important scientific problems in his/her discipline; a statement of teaching experience and philosophy; a statement of curatorial experience and vision; and representative publications.
For full consideration, please apply by November 30, 2016. The search is open until filled. Direct questions to Paleosearch@colorado.edu. The University of Colorado is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Tenure-track faculty position in Earth Systems Evolution UBC, Canada
The Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of British Columbia invites outstanding applicants for a full-time, tenure-track faculty position in Earth Systems Evolution at the level of Assistant Professor. Appointment at a higher rank will be considered for an applicant of exceptional qualifications. The ideal candidate will be a cross-disciplinary scientist who draws on modern, quantitative field, laboratory and/or modelling methods to illuminate the fundamental processes that have shaped the Earth through time. We encourage applications from diverse subdisciplines including sedimentary geology, geobiology, climate science, and Earth systems modelling. Priority will be given to originality of the candidate's work over any specific specialization. We are a very diverse department, and the ideal candidate will be able to interact with multiple existing research groups.
Research and teaching interests in the Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences (EOAS), the top-ranked and largest earth sciences department in Canada, span the history of the Earth and the evolution of its structure from core to stratosphere (http://www.eoas.ubc.ca/). Further opportunities exist for the successful candidate to forge research ties with other parts of the UBC community that are active in the Earth and Planetary Sciences, including the Departments and Faculties of Geography, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Forestry, Land and Food Systems, Chemical and Biological Engineering, Physics and Astronomy, Statistics and Computer Science, as well as the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability. The successful applicant is expected to develop a strong, externally funded and internationally recognized research program, successfully supervise graduate students, effectively teach undergraduate and graduate courses, and actively participate in departmental activities. Evidence of teaching excellence and interest in innovative teaching methods is welcomed.
Applications should include a cover letter, a detailed curriculum vita, a summary of research interests describing two potentially fundable projects, a statement of teaching philosophy, three recent publications (pdf format), and the names and contact details of three individuals from whom the search committee can request letters of reference.
Submit online at http://tinyurl.com/nvvoots by October 31, 2016; applications will be accepted until the position is filled or the search is closed. The anticipated start date is July 1, 2017 or upon a date of mutual agreement. This position is subject to final budgetary approval.
If you have questions, please contact the Search Committee Chair by email at the following address: James Scoates, Professor (email: jscoates@eos.ubc.ca)
Research and teaching interests in the Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences (EOAS), the top-ranked and largest earth sciences department in Canada, span the history of the Earth and the evolution of its structure from core to stratosphere (http://www.eoas.ubc.ca/). Further opportunities exist for the successful candidate to forge research ties with other parts of the UBC community that are active in the Earth and Planetary Sciences, including the Departments and Faculties of Geography, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Forestry, Land and Food Systems, Chemical and Biological Engineering, Physics and Astronomy, Statistics and Computer Science, as well as the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability. The successful applicant is expected to develop a strong, externally funded and internationally recognized research program, successfully supervise graduate students, effectively teach undergraduate and graduate courses, and actively participate in departmental activities. Evidence of teaching excellence and interest in innovative teaching methods is welcomed.
Applications should include a cover letter, a detailed curriculum vita, a summary of research interests describing two potentially fundable projects, a statement of teaching philosophy, three recent publications (pdf format), and the names and contact details of three individuals from whom the search committee can request letters of reference.
Submit online at http://tinyurl.com/nvvoots by October 31, 2016; applications will be accepted until the position is filled or the search is closed. The anticipated start date is July 1, 2017 or upon a date of mutual agreement. This position is subject to final budgetary approval.
If you have questions, please contact the Search Committee Chair by email at the following address: James Scoates, Professor (email: jscoates@eos.ubc.ca)
Teaching Fellow in Palaeobiology - University of Leicester
This position is advertised as a nine month appointment, but the job is partly to provide teaching cover while Professor Mark Purnell undertakes a College-level role, the term of which is three years.
They are looking for a first class teacher in the field of Palaeobiology, who will deliver high-quality teaching, including practical classes and fieldwork at all levels and be able to demonstrate the ability to develop innovative teaching methods. A strong commitment to teaching is essential and the candidate will support the work of the Department in developing and enhancing its reputation, both internal and external to the University.
The candidate will hold (or be close to completing) a PhD in Geology or Palaeobiology, or have relevant research experience as well as experience of teaching or demonstrating in practical classes and on field courses.
Informal inquiries are welcome and should be made to Professor Richard England on hodgeol@le.ac.uk
The closing date for this post is midnight on 13 November 2016.
We anticipate that assessments will take place on 29 November 2016.
Click on the url below and search on the reference number SEN00793 for more information and to apply.
Monday, October 3, 2016
Faculty Position in Geobiology, McGill University
The Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at McGill University invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track position in Geobiology. McGill University is one of Canada’s leading research and teaching institutions, located in the heart of vibrant Montreal, Quebec.
The position, with a start date of August 1, 2017 or later, is at the rank of Assistant Professor, although an appointment at a higher level will be considered in the case of an applicant with exceptional qualifications. We seek a candidate who uses quantitative field, laboratory, and/or modeling methods to study interactions between life and geologic, geochemical or hydrological processes. Applicants should have a doctorate at the time of appointment, a record of excellence in research, and the capacity for outstanding teaching.
Applications should include a detailed curriculum vitae, a research plan, a statement of teaching interests, a list of three references, and up to two examples of recent publications. The application package should be sent in electronic form to the Department Chair. Additionally, the applicant should arrange for the three letters of reference to be submitted directly to the Department Chair.
Review of applications will begin November 1, 2016 and continue until the position is filled.
Additional information here
The position, with a start date of August 1, 2017 or later, is at the rank of Assistant Professor, although an appointment at a higher level will be considered in the case of an applicant with exceptional qualifications. We seek a candidate who uses quantitative field, laboratory, and/or modeling methods to study interactions between life and geologic, geochemical or hydrological processes. Applicants should have a doctorate at the time of appointment, a record of excellence in research, and the capacity for outstanding teaching.
Applications should include a detailed curriculum vitae, a research plan, a statement of teaching interests, a list of three references, and up to two examples of recent publications. The application package should be sent in electronic form to the Department Chair. Additionally, the applicant should arrange for the three letters of reference to be submitted directly to the Department Chair.
Review of applications will begin November 1, 2016 and continue until the position is filled.
Additional information here
Thursday, September 29, 2016
AMNH Internship (Grad or Undergrad)
The Division of Paleontology at the American Museum of Natural History is offering 1 part-time (18 hours per week), 1-year internship for a graduate or undergraduate student in geology, invertebrate paleontology, life sciences, museum studies, or related fields (November 7, 2016 start). The intern will participate in an NSF-funded project to image and geo-reference specimens in the Invertebrate Paleontology department at AMNH. A summary of the NSF-funded project can be found here:
The intern will work with collection management staff to curate, image, geo-reference, catalog, and database specimens. A stipend will be provided as support over the internship period.
Required Qualifications: Applicants should be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate degree course, or be a recent graduate of a degree course in invertebrate paleontology, life sciences, museum studies, or related fields. Ability to work with paleontological research collections, ability to perform tasks requiring physical strength and high manual dexterity, proficiency in the use of Mac and PC based software, good organizational, excellent interpersonal skills, and ability to work independently. Experience working in museum collections a plus.
Interested parties should apply online:careers.amnh.org/applicants/Central?quickFind=52189
Applications must be received no later than October 21, 2016.
The intern will work with collection management staff to curate, image, geo-reference, catalog, and database specimens. A stipend will be provided as support over the internship period.
Required Qualifications: Applicants should be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate degree course, or be a recent graduate of a degree course in invertebrate paleontology, life sciences, museum studies, or related fields. Ability to work with paleontological research collections, ability to perform tasks requiring physical strength and high manual dexterity, proficiency in the use of Mac and PC based software, good organizational, excellent interpersonal skills, and ability to work independently. Experience working in museum collections a plus.
Interested parties should apply online:careers.amnh.org/applicants/Central?quickFind=52189
Applications must be received no later than October 21, 2016.
Latest Ediacaran Wormworld Fauna
Check out the new paper in GSA Today written by our past, current, and soon-to-be GSA GBGM presidents (Jim Schiffbauer, Marc Laflamme, and Simon Darroch)! "The Latest Ediacaran Wormworld Fauna: Setting the Ecological Stage for the Cambrian Explosion"
Field Course- Taphonomic and Ecological Processes in Tropical Environments
Taphonomic and Ecological Processes in Tropical Environments
Summer Field Course in Graduate Research
Gerace Research Centre, San Salvador, Bahamas
June 19 - July 21, 2017
Course Information: http://geraceresearchcentre.com/fieldcourse.html
Michal Kowalewski, University of Florida (kowalewski@ufl.edu<mailto:kowalewski@ufl.edu >)
Troy A. Dexter, Gerace Research Centre (researchgrc@gmail.com<mailto:researchgrc@gmail.com >)
Overview: This 5-week course will focus on graduate-level research in taphonomy and ecology of late Quaternary to Recent environments of San Salvador Island (the Bahamas), including both marine and terrestrial settings. Each student participant will lead an independent project based on field, experimental, or laboratory data. The instructors will assist students, both logistically and intellectually, in developing projects that can generate publishable quality data. San Salvador field sites and laboratory facilities offer opportunities for conducting topically diverse projects from experimental ecology and taphonomy to Quaternary paleoecology and biosedimentary processes.
Where: Gerace Research Centre, located on San Salvador Island, one of the outermost of a chain of some 700 islands that comprise The Bahamas
Who: Students interested in taphonomy, paleoecology, marine ecology, carbonate deposystems, reef paleoecology, coastal environments (both marine and terrestrial), and Quaternary paleoenvironments are particularly encouraged to apply. The course is aimed at graduate students who aspire to develop strong research portfolios. Advanced undergraduate students interested in research-oriented careers are also encouraged to apply. Students from all countries are eligible for admission.
Application Process: Please submit (1) one completed application form and (2) your most up-to-date Curriculum Vitae to kowalewski@ufl.edu<mailto:kowalewski@ufl.edu >. One reference letter should be emailed separately by the academic advisor. The application is due on Feb 1, 2017. Maximum enrollment: 16. The application form can be downloaded at the course website or directly at the following address: http://geraceresearchcentre.com/pdfs/TaphonomyApplicationForm.doc . Please contact instructors if you have any questions regarding the course or the application process.
Fees and Anticipated Expenses: The course fee is anticipated to be $2500 per student and will cover (1) lodging and all meals, (2) access to all facilities at the research centre, (3) transportation to and from field sites around the island, and (4) instructional and advising activities. The fee also includes health insurance for the duration of the course. The fee does not include transportation to San Salvador ($800 to $1000 from the mainland USA). The total anticipated cost per student is expected to be around $3300-$3500 per student.
Given more expensive airfare for non-US flights, the total cost is likely to be higher for international students. Students are encouraged to apply for financial aids/scholarships at their home institutions.
NOTE: Additional financial aid may be available from the course organizers. For details see the application form.
Summer Field Course in Graduate Research
Gerace Research Centre, San Salvador, Bahamas
June 19 - July 21, 2017
Course Information: http://geraceresearchcentre.
Michal Kowalewski, University of Florida (kowalewski@ufl.edu<mailto:kow
Troy A. Dexter, Gerace Research Centre (researchgrc@gmail.com<mailto:
Overview: This 5-week course will focus on graduate-level research in taphonomy and ecology of late Quaternary to Recent environments of San Salvador Island (the Bahamas), including both marine and terrestrial settings. Each student participant will lead an independent project based on field, experimental, or laboratory data. The instructors will assist students, both logistically and intellectually, in developing projects that can generate publishable quality data. San Salvador field sites and laboratory facilities offer opportunities for conducting topically diverse projects from experimental ecology and taphonomy to Quaternary paleoecology and biosedimentary processes.
Where: Gerace Research Centre, located on San Salvador Island, one of the outermost of a chain of some 700 islands that comprise The Bahamas
Who: Students interested in taphonomy, paleoecology, marine ecology, carbonate deposystems, reef paleoecology, coastal environments (both marine and terrestrial), and Quaternary paleoenvironments are particularly encouraged to apply. The course is aimed at graduate students who aspire to develop strong research portfolios. Advanced undergraduate students interested in research-oriented careers are also encouraged to apply. Students from all countries are eligible for admission.
Application Process: Please submit (1) one completed application form and (2) your most up-to-date Curriculum Vitae to kowalewski@ufl.edu<mailto:kowa
Fees and Anticipated Expenses: The course fee is anticipated to be $2500 per student and will cover (1) lodging and all meals, (2) access to all facilities at the research centre, (3) transportation to and from field sites around the island, and (4) instructional and advising activities. The fee also includes health insurance for the duration of the course. The fee does not include transportation to San Salvador ($800 to $1000 from the mainland USA). The total anticipated cost per student is expected to be around $3300-$3500 per student.
Given more expensive airfare for non-US flights, the total cost is likely to be higher for international students. Students are encouraged to apply for financial aids/scholarships at their home institutions.
NOTE: Additional financial aid may be available from the course organizers. For details see the application form.
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