Monday, March 30, 2020

PBDB "Social Distancing" webinar series

The Paleobiology Database is here to help with your research while we help keep the world safe via social distancing. The PBDB will be holding a series of webinars on how you can use the PBDB in your research! These webinars will be recorded and posted on the PBDB Resources webpage as well as their Youtube channel.

The first webinar will be on downloading data from the PBDB and will be held on Thursday, April 9, at 1 pm Eastern Daylight Time. If there are many people interested, we will take the first group on April 9, and schedule another for the overflow. The PBDB is considering hosting other sessions in Spanish and Greek, so please let us know if you are interested in these alternatives.

UPDATE 1: A new webinar has been announced, this one will focus on how you can use the PBDB in your classrooms using their Educational Resources. This webinar will be held on Friday, April 17, at 1 pm Eastern Daylight Time. Please contact the PBDB by 5 pm Eastern, April 16, if you want to join the session.

UPDATE 1: A new webinar has been announced, this one will focus on how to use the PBDB for Bayesian Phylogenetic Analyses with the Paleobiology Database. Pete Wagner will host this webinar and it will be held on Thursday, May 7, at 1 pm Eastern Daylight Time. Please let know by 5 pm Eastern, May 6 if you want to join the session.

If you are interested in joining these sessions, please drop an email to and they will send you instructions to join in. If you are interested in joining the PBDB team and entering data yourself, you can go to and click on Join the PBDB. There you can register for a guest user account which is the first step to becoming a data enterer. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Deadline extended for GBGM excellence awards

Dear members of the Geo(micro)biology community,

We hope all of you are well and staying safe. In response to these unprecedented times we are extending the deadline for our Geobiology and Geomicrobiology division awards until the end of March. These awards include pre-tenure, post-tenure, and distinguished career awards (or equivalent career stage in a non-tenure track position). For details on past awards, see the GBGM website. Since 2018, the division leadership has solicited nominations from our members in order to create a more diverse and inclusive nominee pool, both in terms of academic fields and demographics. We also hope this process allows our members to feel more involved and empowered to nominate the people who have made a difference to them or their (sub)field.

Please use this nomination form (PDF form hereword form here) to identify exceptional researchers who you think should be recognized, along with justification (max. 500 words). Final nominees will be selected by the GBGM division representation committee from amongst this pool, and awarded based the nominee's complete portfolio (i.e., research, mentoring, service, and leadership). Please note that this year you must confirm that the person you are nominating has not breached GSA's Code of Ethics & Professional Conduct nor is under investigation for any action that would be a breach of GSA's Code of Ethics & Professional Conduct. 

We are grateful for your participation in this process; we know that your time is valuable, but this is one of the most important things the division does, and we think the community should nominate our awardees. Please submit your nominations to Rowan Martindale <martindale(at)> by April 1st. 

We look forward to being overwhelmed with nominations!
Rowan, Vicky, Trinity, David, Simon, Lydia, Brandt, Andrew, Alison, and Amanda
(a.k.a. your Geobiology and Geomicrobiology Division Representatives)