Thanks to the invaluable input from many GSA members and staff, we are pleased to announce GSA’s new Code of Ethics & Professional Conduct. The new Code includes standards we deem critical to the professional success of our members and profession, including expectations to guard against research misconduct, discrimination, harassment, and bullying. The GSA Council approved the new ethics policy to help ensure that all of us, as GSA members, adhere to ethical standards in all of our professional activities—regardless of location or whether the conduct takes place at GSA events.
GSA has established policies and procedures to implement the new Code, which are available on the Ethics homepage. Notably, the Policy & Procedures for Handling Potential Ethical Violations explains the rules GSA uses to process ethics complaints alleging that one of our members has violated the Code. These procedures include safeguards for individuals who report violations and they protect members through the use of reasonable due process procedures to guard against patently false, malicious, or groundless allegations. “We have worked hard to create a fair process that gives individuals with bona fide complaints a way to come forward and also gives individuals accused of wrongdoing a meaningful opportunity to be heard,” said GSA’s executive director, Vicki McConnell.
We are proud of the steps GSA is taking to promote an ethical, professional culture in the geoscience profession, where all people are welcomed, supported, and positioned for success. We are confident our new Code and ethics resources will make a positive difference to our members and profession as a whole.
To learn more about GSA’s ethics initiatives, visit GSA’s Ethics homepage or register for the 5 December webinar from 12–1 mountain time.
Don Siegel
GSA’s President
Robbie Gries
GSA’s Past President