Monday, September 30, 2019

Thanks for a great 2019 GSA Meeting

Hi Everyone,

Hope you are all re-adjusting from your post-GSA email firestorm. To start, the GSA Geobiology & Geomicrobiology Division Executive Committee would like to thank all of our attendees, presenters, and awardees who made this past GSA annual meeting in Phoenix an amazing success. The number of GBGM talks and presentations continues to grow đź’Ş  with a dozen technical oral and poster sessions sponsored or co-sponsored by the GBGM this year alone. A huge thanks as well to all our fellow geobiologists who took the time to celebrate with us for the ever-growing annual awards luncheon.

Congratulations to our Award Winners:

2018 Student Presentation Award Winners đźĄ‡ 

Oral presentation winners:
Kathryn Mudica - Bioaccumulation of Legacy Pollutants Using Lontra Canadensis (North American River Otter) As A Bioindicator
Erynn Johnson - 3D Printing Reveals Strengths And Weaknesses Of Prey Shape During The Mesozoic Marine Revolution
Poster presentation winners:
Broc Kokesh - Phenotypic Trajectory Analysis Reveals Temporal Divergence Of Shell Shape In Bivalves From Adjacent Marine Lakes
Maggie Stephenson - From Palm Savannahs To Hardwood Hammocks And Back: Palynology Of The Paleocene-Eocene Manawianui Drive Section, Bastrop County, TX 

(L-R) Kathryn Mudica, Rowan Martindale, Erynn Johnson, Victoria Petryshyn, Broc Kokesh

Distinguished Career Awardees đź¤“ đźŽ‰ 
We are honored to acknowledge the contributions of these amazing Geobiology leaders. Congratulations to this year's Post-Tenure Career Excellence Award winner Clara Chan (University of Delaware), the 2019 Distinguished Career Award winner is Russell Shapiro (California State University at Chico), and the GBGM 2019 Pre-Tenure Career Award winner is Elizabeth (Betsy) Swanner (Iowa State University).
(L-R) Clara Chan, Russell Shapiro, Elizabeth Swanner

Now for your scrolling pleasure please enjoy some more photos of the awards lunch.  đźŹ† đźŤ´

Thanks again for a great meeting! đź‘‹ 
Hope to see you in MontrĂ©al, QuĂ©bec, Canada 🇨🇦 

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Tenure-track Appointments in Science, Mathematics, and/or Statistics, Harvard University

Tenure-track Appointments in Science, Mathematics, and/or Statistics - Harvard University Faculty of Arts and Sciences

The Division of Science at Harvard University is searching for tenure-track faculty (at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor) who will be appointed in one or more of the following departments: Astronomy, Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Human Evolutionary Biology, Mathematics, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Physics, Statistics, and Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology. This is an open-field search, and we invite scholars whose research overlaps with one or more departments or disciplines to apply. This open-field search is independent of and concurrent with other department/discipline-specific searches ( We are committed to building a culturally diverse intellectual community, and we particularly encourage applications from individuals who identify as members of historically underrepresented groups. The appointee will direct an independent research program, and teach and advise undergraduate and graduate students. This appointment is expected to begin on July 1, 2020, or as soon as possible thereafter.

Doctorate or terminal degree in an applicable field required by the time the appointment begins.

Candidates should have a strong record of or commitment to 1) teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels, 2) to broadening institutional diversity, and 3) scholarly excellence.

Your application will be considered complete when the following documents have been submitted to
1. Cover letter, to include which of our academic departments you think are most appropriate for you (
2. Curriculum Vitae
3. Teaching statement describing your teaching and mentoring experience, approach, and philosophy. Include teaching evaluations if available.
4. Research statement including accomplishments and future plans (1-3 pages) and one to two introductory paragraphs summarizing your main research questions and significance in language accessible to a general scientific audience.
5. PDFs of three representative publications, and your ORCID or Google Scholar identifier (or similar) if available.
6. Statement (1-2 pages) describing your efforts to encourage diversity, inclusion, and belonging, including past, current, and anticipated future contributions in these areas.
7. Recommendation letters from 3-5 references. One of these letters must come from someone who has not served as your graduate or postdoctoral advisor.

All applications and materials must be submitted by October 7th, 2019.
Selected candidates will be invited to mandatory interviews on campus on Thursday November 14th and Friday November 15, 2019.

Zoe Fonseca-Kelly
Assistant Dean for Science

Monday, September 16, 2019

GBGM Events at GSA 2019

Hi Everyone,

I am sure you are all enthusiastically preparing for the 2019 GSA meeting in Phoenix, AZ! We wanted to reach out to you before the meeting and let you know about some GSA GBGM sponsored events (and some events that may interest you as Geo(micro)biologists)! The Paleontological Society has a similar list here.

See you at the sessions or at the GSA Geobiology and Geomicrobiology Division Luncheon (Monday)

Social Events (organized by date)

8:00 AM-5:30pm: Sheraton Phoenix Downtown – Valley of the Sun C

SUNDAY September 22
Paleontological Society (PS) Business Meeting & Awards Reception Buffet **Ticketed Event** 
6:30-10:30pm: North Ballroom 120 A, North Building, Phoenix Convention Center

MONDAY September 23
Definitely come to our GSA Geobiology and Geomicrobiology Division Luncheon to see our 2019 GBGM Awardees
Monday, 23 September, 12:00 - 1:30 PM, Phoenix Convention Center - Room 103AB, West Building
This lunch is open to all Geo(micro)biologists and is FREE (Plus we have free coffee mugs!)
Paleontological Society (PS) Mentors in Paleontology Careers Luncheon
12:00-1:30pm: Mancuso’s Restaurant, 201 E. Washington St.

Paleontological Society (PS) Schuchert Talk and Student Social 
6:30-8:00pm: Phoenix Convention Center, Room 224 A, North Building

TUESDAY September 24
Paleontological Society (PS) Women in Paleontology Reception
6:00-9:00pm: Mancuso’s Restaurant, 201 E. Washington

GBGM Sponsored Sessions (organized by topic)

T41. New Voices in Geobiology: This session will bring together new research focusing on the interplay between geologic and biologic processes with a special emphasis on new field sites, novel materials/methods, and the development/refinement of proxies. (Trinity L. Hamilton, Rowan C. Martindale, Victoria Petryshyn, Simon A.F. Darroch, Lydia S. Tackett, David Gold, Andrew D. Putt, Amanda Lynn Godbold, Daniel S. Jones, Kathryn Hobart, and Joshua Feinberg)

T66. Life and Death of a Craton: Implications of Archean Crust-Keel Systems for Crustal Growth, Crustal Preservation, and Mantle Evolution: Archean crust-keel systems record the earliest stages of evolution of modern earth systems, including: earliest geodynamics, compositional and structural evolution of continental crust, chemical and isotopic evolution of the silicate earth, and early surficial systems (Paul A. Mueller, Carol D. Frost, Jennifer N. Gifford, and David W. Mogk).

T84. Scientific Ocean Drilling’s Impact on Geoscience: Past, Present, and Future: 
Scientific Ocean Drilling, an international ocean discovery program, has been seminal in developing our understanding of earth systems. This session will provide an overview of past and current accomplishments and highlight future opportunities (Suzanne O'Connell, Ken Miller, David Mallinson, and James D. Wright).
T106. Biogeochemical Signatures of Fossils: From Paleoclimate to Diagenesis: This session brings together research focused on the chemistry of fossil soils and organisms, spanning marine to terrestrial environments, as well as their depositional and subsequent burial environments (John David Fortner).

T111. Broadening Participation in Paleontology: Approaches for Enhancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: 
This session addresses approaches to broadening participation of underrepresented groups in paleontology, including demonstrations and discussion of inclusive teaching practices and student-centered pedagogy as well as innovative outreach projects, mentoring models, and other approaches (Christy C. Visaggi, and Robyn Mieko Dahl).

T112. Quantitative Paleobiology of Marine Ecosystems:
This session will discuss scientific data resulting from quantitative methods such as multivariate statistics, machine learning, niche modelling, or community analysis methods to test leading hypotheses in paleobiology (William J. Foster, Amanda Lynn Godbold, and Erin Saupe).

T137. Biogeochemical Interactions in Caves and Karst: 
Our presentations explore how biology intersects with geology in caves and karst landscapes over diverse spatial and temporal scales. Topics may include microbe-mineral interactions, metal transport and nutrient cycling, and critical zone biogeochemistry (Daniel Jones and Laura Rosales Lagarde).

Stanford Science Fellows program

The Stanford Science Fellows program is focused on incubating new directions in foundational scientific research by an interdisciplinary community of exceptional postdoctoral scholars from around the globe, driven by a sense of wonder about the natural world.

The goals of the Stanford Science Fellows program are:
  • To deepen our understanding of the natural world by advancing and bridging disciplines in the physical, mathematical, and life sciences.
  • To provide opportunities for exceptionally qualified early-career scientists to develop academic leadership skills focused on fostering scientific discovery, developing interdisciplinary approaches to foundational scientific research, and broadening science communication skills;
  • To recognize and support scholars who bring a diversity of perspectives, identities, and backgrounds, including those from groups who are underrepresented in the sciences;
  • To build community at Stanford around frontier research challenges.
Stanford Science Fellows will have access to faculty and facilities within Stanford’s Schools of Humanities and Sciences, Engineering, Medicine, and Earth, as well as at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. The program will include community-building activities to foster career development and leadership skills, and workshops, seminars, informal lunches and dinners, and discussions with Stanford faculty and visitors on current topics throughout the natural sciences. Fellows will work with traditional and modern media, in small groups and one-on-one with writers and guest speakers, to develop skills that will enable them to become more effective science educators and communicators.

The application materials must be submitted online by November 1, 2019.
For more details, or to apply, go here:

Smithsonian NMNH hiring curator specializing paleobiology of marine macro-invertebrate fossils

The Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History seeks a paleobiologist to conduct an integrative, specimen-based research program in the paleobiology of marine macro-invertebrate fossils. The successful candidate is expected to pursue creative studies of evolutionary and/or paleoecological patterns and processes using morphology, phylogenetics, biogeography, and/or biogeochemistry. Publication in peer-reviewed journals in specialty areas is expected, as is curation of appropriate collections, professional service to the scientific community, and educational outreach to the public in a manner commensurate with emerging leadership in the area of specialty.

This position is a full-time, permanent appointment with full Government benefits to be filled at the GS-12 level; U.S. citizenship and a one-year probationary period are required. The museum’s authorized salary range for this position is $83,938-$88,959 per year commensurate with experience.

All candidates are encouraged to apply, including those whose academic status is “All But Dissertation” (ABD), currently performing postdoctoral work, or engaged in early stages of their academic careers. College transcripts and proof of U.S. accreditation for foreign study must be submitted online by the closing date of announcement.

For complete requirements and application procedures go to or and refer to Announcement 19A-JW-304802-DEU-NMNH. Applications and all supporting documentation must be received on-line by October 7, 2019 and must reference the announcement number. 

This is an interdisciplinary position to be filled by either a Research Geologist or a Research Biologist, depending upon the applicant’s primary discipline. All applicants will be notified by email when their application is received. The Smithsonian Institution is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Orange County (CA) Paleontology & Archaeology Curator

The County of Orange, in Southern California, has openings for a paleontology curator and an archaeology curator. These are permanent, full-time positions with the Orange County Paleontology and Archaeology Collections in the Cooper Laboratory, located in Santa Ana, California. For further information and instructions on how to apply, please see the links below.



Friday, September 6, 2019

2020 Simons Early Career Investigator in Marine Microbial Ecology and Evolution Awards

The Simons Foundation is now accepting applications for its Simons Early Career Investigator in Marine Microbial Ecology and Evolution Awards. The deadline for receipt of letters of intent (LOIs) is November 5, 2019, 5:00 PM Eastern Time.

The purpose of these awards is to help launch the careers of outstanding investigators in the field of marine microbial ecology and evolution who will advance our understanding through experiments, modeling or theory. Projects focusing on the microbiomes of animals or plants or on paleontological records will not be considered this year. Investigators with backgrounds in different fields are encouraged to apply.

Among other eligibility requirements, applicants must have held a tenure-track or equivalent independent position in a U.S. or Canadian institution for at least one year and no more than eight years.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Judges needed for New Voices in Geobiology Sessions

This year student reps. Amanda and Andrew are helping to organize the GSA Geobiology and Geomicrobiology Division Student Presentation Awards. This award is given to graduate students presenting posters and talks in the New Voices in Geobiology session at GSA 2019.

What a judge does: 
1) Attend ~2 presentation(s) and fill out a short online questioner regarding the quality of the presentation(s). 
2) Provide some written feedback so that the student(s) may improve in the future. 
3) Encourage invaluable growth and success of our student members.    

We know that GSA can be extremely busy so we would like to make this as easy as possible. If you are able to act as a judge contact and/or for an invitation to a google document where you can sign up for any talk that interests you or is at a time that is most convenient. We ask that you sign up for at least two presentations and appreciate your consideration.

Your friends in geobiology,
Amanda and Andrew