The Department of Geosciences at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
seeks to fill two positions beginning August 19, 2019: one tenure-track
faculty position in Physical Hydrogeology ( and one (renewable) visiting assistant professor position in Paleontology/Paleobiology (
Review of applications will begin December 11, 2018, but the position remains open until filled.
The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee is a Research 1 institution
located on the north side of Milwaukee. The department of Geosciences
offers B.S./B.A., M.S., and Ph.D. degree programs and is staffed by 10
full-time faculty. The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee is an Equal
Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
For complete information about these positions, including qualifications and application materials, please visit If you have any questions, please contact Shangping Xu (, Physical Hydrogeology Position Contact; Lindsay McHenry (, Paleontology Position Contact; or John L. Isbell, Department of Geosciences Chair (
This is a website for the Geobiology and Geomicrobiology Division of GSA
Monday, October 29, 2018
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Earth Sciences - Dartmouth College
Dartmouth College invites applications for the Guarini Dean’s Postdoctoral Fellowship in Earth Sciences. This fellowship supports a scholar who provides synergy with existing research activities within the department and elsewhere at Dartmouth, including the department’s core research areas: earth and planetary evolution, surface processes, and ice and climate systems. In addition, the fellowship promotes student and faculty diversity at Dartmouth, and throughout higher education, by supporting underrepresented minority scholars and others with a demonstrated ability to advance educational diversity. Applicants will be selected on the basis of their academic achievement, promise in both research and teaching, and their demonstrated commitment to addressing racial underrepresentation in higher education.
This is a two-year residential fellowship, with one course taught in the second year. Fellows are expected to pursue research activities while participating fully in the intellectual life of the department and the college. The stipend in each year is approximately $55,200 plus benefits and an allocation for research expenses (exact funding levels will be set at the time of offer).
Guarini Dean’s Postdoctoral Fellows are part of the Provost’s Fellowship Program, a multidisciplinary cohort of approximately ten predoctoral and postdoctoral scholars who share a commitment to increasing diversity in their disciplines. Fellows participate together in mentoring and professional development programming, including guidance in preparing for faculty careers.
To submit an application, upload a cover letter, curriculum vitae, statements of teaching and research interests and objectives, reprints or preprints of up to three of your most significant publications, and the name, address (including street address), e-mail address and fax/phone numbers of at least three references to:
Review of applications will begin December 20, 2018 and continue until the position is filled.
To learn more about Dartmouth College and the Department of Earth Sciences, visit Dartmouth College is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer with a strong commitment to diversity and inclusion. We prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, veteran status, marital status, or any other legally protected status. Applications by members of all underrepresented groups are encouraged.
This is a two-year residential fellowship, with one course taught in the second year. Fellows are expected to pursue research activities while participating fully in the intellectual life of the department and the college. The stipend in each year is approximately $55,200 plus benefits and an allocation for research expenses (exact funding levels will be set at the time of offer).
Guarini Dean’s Postdoctoral Fellows are part of the Provost’s Fellowship Program, a multidisciplinary cohort of approximately ten predoctoral and postdoctoral scholars who share a commitment to increasing diversity in their disciplines. Fellows participate together in mentoring and professional development programming, including guidance in preparing for faculty careers.
To submit an application, upload a cover letter, curriculum vitae, statements of teaching and research interests and objectives, reprints or preprints of up to three of your most significant publications, and the name, address (including street address), e-mail address and fax/phone numbers of at least three references to:
Review of applications will begin December 20, 2018 and continue until the position is filled.
To learn more about Dartmouth College and the Department of Earth Sciences, visit Dartmouth College is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer with a strong commitment to diversity and inclusion. We prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, veteran status, marital status, or any other legally protected status. Applications by members of all underrepresented groups are encouraged.
GBGM Happenings at GSA 2018
Hi Everyone,
I am sure you are all enthusiastically preparing for the 2018 GSA meeting in Indianapolis! We wanted to reach out to you before the meeting and let you know about some GSA GBGM sponsored events (and some events that may interest you as Geo(micro)biologists)! The Paleontological Society has a similar list here.
See you in Indy!
Meeting of the International Stratigraphic Commission, The Precambrian
Sunday, ICC room 242, Noon to 1pm.
I am sure you are all enthusiastically preparing for the 2018 GSA meeting in Indianapolis! We wanted to reach out to you before the meeting and let you know about some GSA GBGM sponsored events (and some events that may interest you as Geo(micro)biologists)! The Paleontological Society has a similar list here.
See you in Indy!
Social Events (organized by date)
Paleontological Society (PS) Short Course: Pedagogy and
Technology in the Modern Paleontology Classroom – Saturday November 3, 9 AM-5
PM, ICC Sagamore Ballroom 6. FREE.
Paleontological Society (PS) Business Meeting and Awards
Reception Buffet – Sunday
November 4, 6:30-10:30 PM. ICC 500 Ballroom *Ticketed*
Night at the Indiana State Museum – A Student & Early
Career Professionals Networking Event - Sun., 4 Nov., 7-9:30 p.m. $20. Indiana
State Museum
Association for Women Geoscientists (AWG) Networking Breakfast
& Awards Ceremony
Mon., 5 Nov., 6:30-8:30 a.m. Professionals: $29; Students: $10. Indiana Convention Center, Sagamore Ballroom 4
Mon., 5 Nov., 6:30-8:30 a.m. Professionals: $29; Students: $10. Indiana Convention Center, Sagamore Ballroom 4
Definitely come to our Geobiology/Geomicrobiology Division Luncheon – Monday Nov. 5
12:00pm-1:15pm, JW Marriott Indianapolis – White River Ballroom Section D.
This lunch is open to all Geo(micro)biologists and is FREE.
Paleontological Society (PS) Town Hall Meeting: As a
scientist, how can I participate in government and policy? Monday, November 5, 5:30-7:00
PM. ICC Room 142. FREE
Paleontological Society (PS) Schuchert Talk and Student
Social with last year's Schuchert Award winner Caroline Strömberg – Monday November
5, 6:30-8:00 PM. ICC Room 143-144. FREE
Paleontological Society (PS) Women in
Paleontology Reception – Tuesday Nov. 6, 6:00-9:00 PM, at the Rock Bottom
Restaurant and Brewery, 10 W.
Washington St. FREE
GBGM Sponsored Sessions (organized by date)
T37. Global Change: Evolution and Extinctions in the
Triassic: Monday Nov. 5 8am-12pm, Room 136-137
T126. Earth and Life Co-Evolution in the Early to Middle
Neoproterozoic (1000 to ca. 635 Ma): Monday Nov. 5 8am-12pm, Room 143-144
D64. Advances in Stable Isotope Geochemistry–Applications to
Earth Science Systems: Monday Nov. 5 1:30pm-5:30pm, Room 135
T29. New Voices in Geobiology I: Tuesday Nov. 6 8am-12pm,
Room 243
T29. New Voices in Geobiology (Posters): Tuesday Nov. 6
9am-6:30pm, Halls J-K
T29. New Voices in Geobiology II: Tuesday Nov. 6
1:30pm-5:30pm, Room 243
T174. Permian-Triassic Biotic Crisis: New Insights through
Integrative Studies of Earth, Ocean, and Atmosphere: Tuesday Nov. 6
1:30pm-5:30pm, Sagamore Ballroom 7
T157. Evolving Perspectives of the Precambrian World: Using
Combined Theoretical and Applied Approaches to Tackle Problems at the
Intersection of Geology, Geobiology, and Geochemistry: Tuesday Nov. 6
1:30pm-5:30pm, Sagamore Ballroom 7
T157. Evolving Perspectives of the Precambrian World: Using
Combined Theoretical and Applied Approaches to Tackle Problems at the
Intersection of Geology, Geobiology, and Geochemistry (Posters): Tuesday Nov. 6
9am-6:30pm, Halls J-K
T174. Permian-Triassic Biotic Crisis: New Insights through
Integrative Studies of Earth, Ocean, and Atmosphere (Posters): Tuesday Nov. 6
9am-6:30pm, Halls J-K
T157. Evolving Perspectives of the Precambrian World: Using
Combined Theoretical and Applied Approaches to Tackle Problems at the
Intersection of Geology, Geobiology, and Geochemistry (Posters): Tuesday Nov. 6
9am-6:30pm, Halls J-K
T172. Critical Zone Science—Bio-Geo Interactions across
Environmental Gradients and Time: Wednesday Nov. 7 8am-12:00pm, Room 134
T172. Critical Zone Science—Bio-Geo Interactions across
Environmental Gradients and Time (Posters): Wednesday Nov. 7 9:00am-6:30pm,
Halls J-K
Friday, October 26, 2018
Assitant Professor in Earth History - University of Victoria
The School of Earth and Ocean Sciences (SEOS) at the University of Victoria invites applications for a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor position in Earth History, to commence as early as September 1, 2019. We seek a solid-earth scientist who undertakes field investigations and observations of the rock record to study global (bio)geochemical cycles in the context of global tectonics, climate, paleoceanography, paleogeography and/or the hydrosphere. We particularly seek candidates who will develop a research focus that examines the Earth as a system. The candidate will be able to interact broadly with faculty who specialize in solid-earth, earth-surface, ocean, and atmosphere processes.
The successful candidate will develop a vigorous, independent, externally-funded research program that complements existing strengths in SEOS. It is also expected that the candidate will supervise undergraduate and graduate students, and teach undergraduate and graduate courses related to introductory geology, tectonics, sedimentology, geochemistry, geological field schools and/or other core geology areas. A PhD is required at the time of evaluation and post-doctoral experience is desirable. Commensurate with their career stage, qualified candidates must have an excellent record of research published in or in preparation for leading scientific journals. Effective teaching and student supervision are expected, supported by evidence which may include past experience, references, a teaching statement (see below), and the presentation of a candidacy seminar.
Applications, in a single pdf file, should include a letter of application, a detailed curriculum vitae, contact information (name, address, email) for three references, a one-page statement describing the applicant’s teaching experience and philosophy, and a two-page statement describing their current and future research interests/direction. Applications or requests for further information should be sent electronically to Dr. Stan Dosso, Director, School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, at Review of applications will begin on December 5, 2018, and will continue until a suitable candidate is identified. Information about SEOS can be found at
The successful candidate will develop a vigorous, independent, externally-funded research program that complements existing strengths in SEOS. It is also expected that the candidate will supervise undergraduate and graduate students, and teach undergraduate and graduate courses related to introductory geology, tectonics, sedimentology, geochemistry, geological field schools and/or other core geology areas. A PhD is required at the time of evaluation and post-doctoral experience is desirable. Commensurate with their career stage, qualified candidates must have an excellent record of research published in or in preparation for leading scientific journals. Effective teaching and student supervision are expected, supported by evidence which may include past experience, references, a teaching statement (see below), and the presentation of a candidacy seminar.
Applications, in a single pdf file, should include a letter of application, a detailed curriculum vitae, contact information (name, address, email) for three references, a one-page statement describing the applicant’s teaching experience and philosophy, and a two-page statement describing their current and future research interests/direction. Applications or requests for further information should be sent electronically to Dr. Stan Dosso, Director, School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, at Review of applications will begin on December 5, 2018, and will continue until a suitable candidate is identified. Information about SEOS can be found at
Three Tenure-Track Geoscience Faculty Positions at UBC
The Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences (EOAS) at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, invites outstanding applicants for one full-time, tenure-track faculty position in each of the three following fields:
1) Sedimentary geology: We seek a sedimentary geologist who integrates field- and laboratory-based research to investigate sedimentological processes and the evolution of sedimentary basins. Demonstrated ability to apply such research as is, or integrated with other earth science fields to gain novel insights into the tectonic evolution of Earth's crust is an asset. The ideal candidate will excel at teaching clastic sedimentology and field school in the undergraduate Geology program.
2) Earth surface processes: We seek a geoscientist who uses the field laboratory to formulate and test hypotheses to elucidate the processes that shape the Earth's (near-) surface. The position targets fields at the interface between the solid Earth and its surface environment, such as, geomorphology, neotectonics, soil system science and fluid-rock interaction. The ideal candidate will significantly contribute to field-based undergraduate teaching in the Geology program.
3) Earth system science: We seek a cross-disciplinary geoscientist who uses an innovative combination of field, analytical and numerical methods to investigate the mechanisms operating in the Earth system, past or present. Candidates whose research profile would demonstrably bridge between our existing strengths in earth, ocean and atmospheric science are specifically encouraged to apply. The ideal candidate will teach across our undergraduate geoscience programs.
The positions are at the rank of Assistant Professor, although it is possible that a position could be offered at a higher rank for an applicant with exceptional qualifications. A PhD degree is required and postdoctoral experience is considered important. Candidates are expected to develop a strong, externally funded and internationally recognized research program, successfully supervise graduate students, effectively teach undergraduate and graduate courses, and participate in departmental activities
UBC's strategic plan identifies inclusion as one of our key priorities. We welcome colleagues with the experiences and competencies that can contribute to our principles of inclusion, equity, and diversity throughout campus life.
How to Apply
Application packages should include:
These should be combined into a single PDF document and be uploaded through the UBC Careers website at:
In addition, the names and contact details of three referees should be entered online here:
We will contact your referees and ask them to submit reference letters. It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that their referees submit their letters before December 3, 2018. Review of applications will start December 3, 2018. The successful applicants are expected to start in July 2019 or at a date of mutual agreement. The positions are subject to final budgetary approval.
If you have questions, please contact the Search Committee Chair, Professor Dr. Maite Maldonado, by email at the following address: email:
1) Sedimentary geology: We seek a sedimentary geologist who integrates field- and laboratory-based research to investigate sedimentological processes and the evolution of sedimentary basins. Demonstrated ability to apply such research as is, or integrated with other earth science fields to gain novel insights into the tectonic evolution of Earth's crust is an asset. The ideal candidate will excel at teaching clastic sedimentology and field school in the undergraduate Geology program.
2) Earth surface processes: We seek a geoscientist who uses the field laboratory to formulate and test hypotheses to elucidate the processes that shape the Earth's (near-) surface. The position targets fields at the interface between the solid Earth and its surface environment, such as, geomorphology, neotectonics, soil system science and fluid-rock interaction. The ideal candidate will significantly contribute to field-based undergraduate teaching in the Geology program.
3) Earth system science: We seek a cross-disciplinary geoscientist who uses an innovative combination of field, analytical and numerical methods to investigate the mechanisms operating in the Earth system, past or present. Candidates whose research profile would demonstrably bridge between our existing strengths in earth, ocean and atmospheric science are specifically encouraged to apply. The ideal candidate will teach across our undergraduate geoscience programs.
The positions are at the rank of Assistant Professor, although it is possible that a position could be offered at a higher rank for an applicant with exceptional qualifications. A PhD degree is required and postdoctoral experience is considered important. Candidates are expected to develop a strong, externally funded and internationally recognized research program, successfully supervise graduate students, effectively teach undergraduate and graduate courses, and participate in departmental activities
UBC's strategic plan identifies inclusion as one of our key priorities. We welcome colleagues with the experiences and competencies that can contribute to our principles of inclusion, equity, and diversity throughout campus life.
How to Apply
Application packages should include:
- i) a cover letter; you should indicate the search area that most closely aligns with your research
- ii) a detailed curriculum vita
- iii) a one-page summary of research interests and accomplishments
- iv) a one-page outline of a potential five-year research program
- v) a one-page statement of teaching philosophy
- vi) three recent publications
- vii) a statement describing your experience working with a diverse student body and your contributions to creating/advancing a culture of equity and inclusion on campus or within your discipline.
These should be combined into a single PDF document and be uploaded through the UBC Careers website at:
In addition, the names and contact details of three referees should be entered online here:
We will contact your referees and ask them to submit reference letters. It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that their referees submit their letters before December 3, 2018. Review of applications will start December 3, 2018. The successful applicants are expected to start in July 2019 or at a date of mutual agreement. The positions are subject to final budgetary approval.
If you have questions, please contact the Search Committee Chair, Professor Dr. Maite Maldonado, by email at the following address: email:
Paleontology Postdoc - San Diego Natural History Museum
Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Fellowship position in the Department of Paleontology at the San Diego Natural History Museum (SDNHM). This is the first year of the James R. Colclough Paleontology Postdoctoral Fellowship, which supports research in marine mammal paleobiology and evolutionary biology. The Fellowship was created to honor the memory of James R. Colclough, longtime volunteer in the Department of Paleontology, and is funded by the James R. Colclough Paleontology Endowment.
The Fellowship is designed to advance the academic and professional training of the next generation of vertebrate paleobiologists by providing them with the funding and facilities to pursue specific, time-limited research projects in association with Museum scientists and utilizing vertebrate fossil specimens housed in the SDNHM Department of Paleontology.
Duties will include conducting original research in marine mammal paleobiology, providing research assistance to the Curator of Paleontology, and introducing new technologies and analytical methods into the Museum setting. Postdoctoral Fellows are expected to be in residence at SDNHM full time and actively engaged in the SDNHM community. The position will include opportunities for interactions with colleagues at nearby San Diego State University and/or University of California, San Diego.
Annual compensation is $48,432 to $51,324 (depending upon experience), plus fringe benefits. Supplemental research funds also may be available. Appointments will typically be made for two years contingent on satisfactory progress in year one.
To be considered for this position, applicants must have received a PhD degree within the past six (6) years. Soon-to-graduate PhDs may apply, but all formal requirements for a Ph.D. must be completed before the start of the appointment.
Applicants should submit a cover letter (2-3 pages), a succinct statement (~700 words) detailing current work and research interests, an up to date curriculum vitae, a list of publications, and the names and contact information for two professional references. Please submit materials to Thomas A. Deméré ( by November 30, 2018.
Starting Date: As soon as February 1, 2019 (but negotiable)
The Fellowship is designed to advance the academic and professional training of the next generation of vertebrate paleobiologists by providing them with the funding and facilities to pursue specific, time-limited research projects in association with Museum scientists and utilizing vertebrate fossil specimens housed in the SDNHM Department of Paleontology.
Duties will include conducting original research in marine mammal paleobiology, providing research assistance to the Curator of Paleontology, and introducing new technologies and analytical methods into the Museum setting. Postdoctoral Fellows are expected to be in residence at SDNHM full time and actively engaged in the SDNHM community. The position will include opportunities for interactions with colleagues at nearby San Diego State University and/or University of California, San Diego.
Annual compensation is $48,432 to $51,324 (depending upon experience), plus fringe benefits. Supplemental research funds also may be available. Appointments will typically be made for two years contingent on satisfactory progress in year one.
To be considered for this position, applicants must have received a PhD degree within the past six (6) years. Soon-to-graduate PhDs may apply, but all formal requirements for a Ph.D. must be completed before the start of the appointment.
Applicants should submit a cover letter (2-3 pages), a succinct statement (~700 words) detailing current work and research interests, an up to date curriculum vitae, a list of publications, and the names and contact information for two professional references. Please submit materials to Thomas A. Deméré ( by November 30, 2018.
Starting Date: As soon as February 1, 2019 (but negotiable)
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Assistant Professor in Paleobiology - University of South Florida
The School of Geosciences at the University of South Florida is seeking applicants for a 9 month, full-time and tenure-earning, Assistant Professor in Paleobiology. Candidates should have outstanding potential to develop an externally funded research program, mentor graduate students, and teach undergraduate and graduate courses in paleobiology, with preference given to exceptional candidates with strengths in stratigraphy and sedimentology. The successful candidate will complement and integrate with our existing school strengths in paleobiology (, geology, environmental science, and geography, and with university-wide working groups in evolutionary biology and/or the Anthropocene ( A PhD in Geology or related field is required and must be conferred by appointment start date.
To apply, please visit and attach a cover letter, CV, teaching philosophy, evidence of successful research, and provide names and contact information for three references. Review of applications will begin on November 29, 2018. Additional information is available by emailing the search committee chair, Dr. Gregory Herbert ( Salary is negotiable.
The University of South Florida, established in 1956 and located in Tampa, is a high-impact global research university serving more than 50,000 students. USF ranks in the top 30 nationally for research expenditures among public universities, according to the National Science Foundation. In 2018, the Florida Board of Governors designated USF as a Preeminent State Research University, placing USF in the most elite category among the state’s 12 public universities.
To apply, please visit and attach a cover letter, CV, teaching philosophy, evidence of successful research, and provide names and contact information for three references. Review of applications will begin on November 29, 2018. Additional information is available by emailing the search committee chair, Dr. Gregory Herbert ( Salary is negotiable.
The University of South Florida, established in 1956 and located in Tampa, is a high-impact global research university serving more than 50,000 students. USF ranks in the top 30 nationally for research expenditures among public universities, according to the National Science Foundation. In 2018, the Florida Board of Governors designated USF as a Preeminent State Research University, placing USF in the most elite category among the state’s 12 public universities.
Sunday, October 21, 2018
Assistant Curator (Museum Education) Florida Museum of Natural History
The Florida Museum of Natural History (FLMNH), University of Florida, invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position at the Assistant Curator level in the broad field of natural history museum education, with an anticipated starting date of August 2019. The academic focus will be learning research with informal (museum) and formal (K-12) audiences. In addition to other museum faculty and staff, the incumbent will be expected to develop collaborations with other UF colleges, including teaching courses and mentoring undergraduate and graduate students. We are particularly interested in candidates who align within the mission of the Thompson Institute for Earth Systems ( as well as add to, and build, educational programs involving the collections-based research strengths of the FLMNH.
The appointee will be a faculty member in the FLMNH (, and will benefit from a strong collaborative culture across all museum disciplines and other colleges at UF. UF values broad diversity in its faculty, students, and staff and is committed to a robust, inclusive and welcoming climate for learning, research, and other work. UF is committed to equal educational and employment opportunity and access and seeks individuals of all races, ethnicities, genders and other attributes who, among their many exceptional qualifications, have a record of including a broad diversity of individuals in work and learning activities. The University of Florida is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Qualified candidates must have a PhD in the learning sciences, education, or relevant science domain by the time of appointment, with content focus in natural history, biodiversity, and/or earth systems. Demonstrated research emphasis will include one or more of the following: museum science (STEM) education, broadening participation, state-wide and community engagement, and/or scalable e-learning. Additional desired skills and experience include program evaluation and externally funded research.
Application Instructions
The search committee will begin reviewing applications on November 21, 2018 and will continue to receive applications until this position is filled. Applications received after this date may be considered at the discretion of the committee and/or hiring authority. The application must include: (1) cover letter; (2) curriculum vitae; (3) statement of no more than 3 pages describing research, teaching, and museum education experience; (4) digital copies of no more than three publications; (5) the names of three individuals for letters of recommendation.
Apply here:
For additional information, please contact Bruce MacFadden (, Chair, Search Committee.
The appointee will be a faculty member in the FLMNH (, and will benefit from a strong collaborative culture across all museum disciplines and other colleges at UF. UF values broad diversity in its faculty, students, and staff and is committed to a robust, inclusive and welcoming climate for learning, research, and other work. UF is committed to equal educational and employment opportunity and access and seeks individuals of all races, ethnicities, genders and other attributes who, among their many exceptional qualifications, have a record of including a broad diversity of individuals in work and learning activities. The University of Florida is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Qualified candidates must have a PhD in the learning sciences, education, or relevant science domain by the time of appointment, with content focus in natural history, biodiversity, and/or earth systems. Demonstrated research emphasis will include one or more of the following: museum science (STEM) education, broadening participation, state-wide and community engagement, and/or scalable e-learning. Additional desired skills and experience include program evaluation and externally funded research.
Application Instructions
The search committee will begin reviewing applications on November 21, 2018 and will continue to receive applications until this position is filled. Applications received after this date may be considered at the discretion of the committee and/or hiring authority. The application must include: (1) cover letter; (2) curriculum vitae; (3) statement of no more than 3 pages describing research, teaching, and museum education experience; (4) digital copies of no more than three publications; (5) the names of three individuals for letters of recommendation.
Apply here:
For additional information, please contact Bruce MacFadden (, Chair, Search Committee.
Director for Penn State EMS Museum and Gallery
The College of Earth and Mineral Sciences (EMS) at Penn State’s University Park campus is seeking a Director who will promote the mission of the EMS Museum and Gallery, namely “to preserve and promote the diverse collections of Penn State’s College of Earth & Mineral Sciences by serving as an informed resource for science and art education.”
The EMS museum possesses a world-class collection of mineral and rock specimens, original artwork of historic significance (including the noteworthy Steidle Collection of American Industrial Art), and significant collections of fossils, ceramics, glass, and artifacts of science and industry. The museum is currently in the process of applying for accreditation from the American Alliance of Museums. The responsibilities for this position include: oversight of the collections; development of exhibits that reflect the expertise and research innovations of the College’s five departments and three institutes; writing and managing successful grant proposals to develop and care for the collections, exhibits, and technical projects; partnering with the Office of Development to coordinate development and revenue-generating activities to foster the museum’s growth; supervision of museum staff and volunteers; maintaining up-to-date web content; participation in the teaching and research mission of the College; creation of K-12 educational materials and programs; and community outreach.
The directorship is a fixed-term multiyear academic position open to all ranks, with excellent prospects for renewal beyond the initial appointment. The Director is expected to hold a terminal degree appropriate for their field of expertise at the time of appointment. Faculty appointment in one of the College’s academic departments (Geosciences, Geography, Meteorology and Atmospheric Science, Materials Science and Engineering, Energy and Mineral Engineering) is possible.
To apply, please upload a cover letter and concise vision statement for the EMS Museum and Gallery, a curriculum vitae, and the names and contact information of at least three referees. We will begin reviewing applications December 1, 2018 and will continue to receive and review applications until the position is filled. Details here:
For additional information on the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences go to Applicants should provide evidence, either woven through their application materials or as a separate diversity statement, of a commitment to fostering excellence in diversity and equity as well as engagement in creating an inclusive workplace environment.
The EMS museum possesses a world-class collection of mineral and rock specimens, original artwork of historic significance (including the noteworthy Steidle Collection of American Industrial Art), and significant collections of fossils, ceramics, glass, and artifacts of science and industry. The museum is currently in the process of applying for accreditation from the American Alliance of Museums. The responsibilities for this position include: oversight of the collections; development of exhibits that reflect the expertise and research innovations of the College’s five departments and three institutes; writing and managing successful grant proposals to develop and care for the collections, exhibits, and technical projects; partnering with the Office of Development to coordinate development and revenue-generating activities to foster the museum’s growth; supervision of museum staff and volunteers; maintaining up-to-date web content; participation in the teaching and research mission of the College; creation of K-12 educational materials and programs; and community outreach.
The directorship is a fixed-term multiyear academic position open to all ranks, with excellent prospects for renewal beyond the initial appointment. The Director is expected to hold a terminal degree appropriate for their field of expertise at the time of appointment. Faculty appointment in one of the College’s academic departments (Geosciences, Geography, Meteorology and Atmospheric Science, Materials Science and Engineering, Energy and Mineral Engineering) is possible.
To apply, please upload a cover letter and concise vision statement for the EMS Museum and Gallery, a curriculum vitae, and the names and contact information of at least three referees. We will begin reviewing applications December 1, 2018 and will continue to receive and review applications until the position is filled. Details here:
For additional information on the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences go to Applicants should provide evidence, either woven through their application materials or as a separate diversity statement, of a commitment to fostering excellence in diversity and equity as well as engagement in creating an inclusive workplace environment.
Friday, October 19, 2018
Tenure-Track Faculty Position (Sedimentary Geology), Iowa State University
The Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at Iowa State University invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position at the assistant professor level in the area of sedimentary geology, to begin August 2019. The selected candidate will be expected to teach courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels, including sedimentary geology, and to establish a nationally recognized, externally funded research program. This research should complement existing strengths in the department, which include climate modeling, paleoclimatology, environmental geochemistry, glaciology, hydrogeology, geophysics, economic geology, structural geology, and geoscience education. Research and teaching opportunities exist at the Iowa State University Geology Field Station, located in the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming. A commitment to excellence in research, teaching at all levels, and performance of service duties is essential. Internal grants at the college and university levels support faculty travel, teaching, and scholarship. Information about the Department appears at For more information contact department chair, Sven Morgan (, or search committee chair, Neal Iverson (
Candidates must hold a Ph.D. by the time of appointment. All applications must be submitted electronically at (search vacancy ID#: 800202). Please be prepared to attach a letter of application, concise statements of teaching and research interests, curriculum vitae, and the names, addresses, e-mail addresses, and phone numbers of at least three references.
The position will remain open until filled. Full consideration will be given to those applications received by January 7, 2019. Iowa State University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability or protected veteran status and will not be discriminated against. ISU is committed to attracting and retaining the highest quality faculty and staff and therefore works to find positions for partners/spouses seeking employment, either within ISU or in the surrounding community. Iowa State University is located in Ames, Iowa, a vibrant community of 63,000 people 30 miles north of Des Moines. Ames is routinely singled out as one of the most livable, economical, and healthiest small cities in the U.S.
Candidates must hold a Ph.D. by the time of appointment. All applications must be submitted electronically at (search vacancy ID#: 800202). Please be prepared to attach a letter of application, concise statements of teaching and research interests, curriculum vitae, and the names, addresses, e-mail addresses, and phone numbers of at least three references.
The position will remain open until filled. Full consideration will be given to those applications received by January 7, 2019. Iowa State University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability or protected veteran status and will not be discriminated against. ISU is committed to attracting and retaining the highest quality faculty and staff and therefore works to find positions for partners/spouses seeking employment, either within ISU or in the surrounding community. Iowa State University is located in Ames, Iowa, a vibrant community of 63,000 people 30 miles north of Des Moines. Ames is routinely singled out as one of the most livable, economical, and healthiest small cities in the U.S.
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Invertebrate Paleontology Collections Manager- UCMP
The University of California Museum of Paleontology (UCMP) is looking for an Invertebrate Paleontology Collections Manager!
Established in 1921, the mission of UCMP to investigate and promote the understanding of the history of life and the diversity of the Earth's biota through research and education. UCMP is an active center of research and houses one of the largest paleontological collection of any university museum in the world. By fully integrating its research, teaching, and educational outreach with effective uses of technology, UCMP fulfills its mission of increasing the understanding of all aspects of Earth history and biodiversity--from the first appearance of life on Earth to current genetic patterning in populations. The Museum's well-curated and data-based collections include both fossils and modern organisms, and encompass past and present biodiversity from all continents of the world, representing the broad geographic research by UCMP faculty, staff, and students.
How to Apply: Please submit your cover letter and resume as a single attachment, see details here:
Job ID: Museum Scientist (9722C) #25814
The First Review Date for this job is: October 26, 2018.
For full consideration, please submit your application by November 14th, 2018.
Required Qualifications
Collection Management and Collection Support (40%)
Management and curation of the fossil and recent invertebrate collections in the Museum of Paleontology and associated records. Accession, identification, classification and cataloging of these collections. Evaluate and approve or deny requests for specimens requested for loan, destructive analysis, exhibit, and teaching.
Maintain specimen, locality, image, and archival database records in conformity with UCMP standards and practices. Enter, update and serve computerized specimen and locality data, and related digital files in the UCMP database Organize field notes and related archival materials related to the specimens and localities in the invertebrate collections in coordination with other museum scientists. Insure proper storage, organization, curation, and database management of specimens in the UCMP collections in the Valley Life Sciences Building, Sather Tower, and the Regatta Facility. Supervise, train, and manage undergraduate and graduate student employees, student volunteers, non-student volunteers as required. Train curators and students in processing of their research collections. Process hiring paperwork and time recording for volunteers and employees as required.
Public Engagement (20%)
Respond to requests, maintain correspondence, and perform administrative tasks related to the care and management of the invertebrate collections and their use by UC students, faculty and staff, as well as the broader community of users. Respond to government and public inquiries and information requests as assigned. Establish and maintain professional contacts with other institutions, professional societies, collection management staff, curators and scientists. Work with UCMP Education and Outreach staff on museum events and grant-funded outreach products based on specialized knowledge.
Administration and Planning (20%)
Management of external grants that pertain to the relevant portions of the UCMP collections, including the preparation and filing of appropriate reports, organizing meetings, and management of budgets. Provide supporting documentation, materials and suggestions for extramural funding proposals as requested by the Director and/or supervisor.
Research (20%)
Perform independent or collaborative research for peer-reviewed publication. Plan and conduct fieldwork related to the support of the invertebrate collections and the incumbent’s research interests. Time not utilized for research will be spent in collections management and curation.
Established in 1921, the mission of UCMP to investigate and promote the understanding of the history of life and the diversity of the Earth's biota through research and education. UCMP is an active center of research and houses one of the largest paleontological collection of any university museum in the world. By fully integrating its research, teaching, and educational outreach with effective uses of technology, UCMP fulfills its mission of increasing the understanding of all aspects of Earth history and biodiversity--from the first appearance of life on Earth to current genetic patterning in populations. The Museum's well-curated and data-based collections include both fossils and modern organisms, and encompass past and present biodiversity from all continents of the world, representing the broad geographic research by UCMP faculty, staff, and students.
How to Apply: Please submit your cover letter and resume as a single attachment, see details here:
Job ID: Museum Scientist (9722C) #25814
The First Review Date for this job is: October 26, 2018.
For full consideration, please submit your application by November 14th, 2018.
Required Qualifications
- Experience in the principles and practices of general material conservation and preservation of fossilized material
- Specialized knowledge in invertebrate paleontological preservation and storage
- Ability to teach selected conservation/preservation treatments and documentation techniques to volunteers, interns, and Museum student workers (URAPs)
- Strong technological skills, experience with collections data management
- Demonstrated writing skills, with an ability to draft grant proposals and contextual materials and peer reviewed publications
- Specialized knowledge of animal taxonomy and stratigraphy
- Ph.D. or Masters degree in biology, geology, or paleontology or related field.
- A broad knowledge of geology, geography, and paleontology of the western US.Demonstrated supervisory experience.
Collection Management and Collection Support (40%)
Management and curation of the fossil and recent invertebrate collections in the Museum of Paleontology and associated records. Accession, identification, classification and cataloging of these collections. Evaluate and approve or deny requests for specimens requested for loan, destructive analysis, exhibit, and teaching.
Maintain specimen, locality, image, and archival database records in conformity with UCMP standards and practices. Enter, update and serve computerized specimen and locality data, and related digital files in the UCMP database Organize field notes and related archival materials related to the specimens and localities in the invertebrate collections in coordination with other museum scientists. Insure proper storage, organization, curation, and database management of specimens in the UCMP collections in the Valley Life Sciences Building, Sather Tower, and the Regatta Facility. Supervise, train, and manage undergraduate and graduate student employees, student volunteers, non-student volunteers as required. Train curators and students in processing of their research collections. Process hiring paperwork and time recording for volunteers and employees as required.
Public Engagement (20%)
Respond to requests, maintain correspondence, and perform administrative tasks related to the care and management of the invertebrate collections and their use by UC students, faculty and staff, as well as the broader community of users. Respond to government and public inquiries and information requests as assigned. Establish and maintain professional contacts with other institutions, professional societies, collection management staff, curators and scientists. Work with UCMP Education and Outreach staff on museum events and grant-funded outreach products based on specialized knowledge.
Administration and Planning (20%)
Management of external grants that pertain to the relevant portions of the UCMP collections, including the preparation and filing of appropriate reports, organizing meetings, and management of budgets. Provide supporting documentation, materials and suggestions for extramural funding proposals as requested by the Director and/or supervisor.
Research (20%)
Perform independent or collaborative research for peer-reviewed publication. Plan and conduct fieldwork related to the support of the invertebrate collections and the incumbent’s research interests. Time not utilized for research will be spent in collections management and curation.
Friday, October 12, 2018
Full Professor in Geobiology (Tenure Track W2/W3) University of Cologne
This call is part of the Federal Tenure Track Programme of the German Federal Government and the Federal States. It addresses researchers at an early career stage. The successful candidate is expected to develop research and teaching programs in the field of geobiology at the Institute of Geology and Mineralogy. Grounded in basic geoscientific research, the focus of a future geobiological research program may range from paleobiology through earth and life history to geomicrobiology. Research should rely on innovative, modern approaches and quantitative methodology. Links to other fields of research at the Institute of Geology and Mineralogy and to the guiding themes of the Department of Geosciences such as "Evolution of Life and Earth" or "Global change in Environmental Dynamics and the Atmosphere" are expected. The successful candidate will represent the field of geobiology in its entirety in the bachelor- and master programs at the Institute Geology and Mineralogy. Contributions to basic undergraduate teaching are obligatory.
We seek young researchers with an exceptional track record and the potential for establishing and advancing geobiological research at the Institute of Geology and Mineralogy. An excellent and internationally recognized publication record and proof of the successful acquisition of third-party funding and implementation of related projects are required. The successful candidate is expected to contribute to existing initiatives (e.g. Collaborative Research Center CRC 1211 "Earth Evolution at the Dry Limit" or Priority Programme 1833 "Building a Habitable Earth" ) as well as establishing his/her own research program.
The position is initially limited to a term of five years based on remuneration group W2 (public sector, North Rhine-Westphalia). At the latest in the fifth year after entering into office, a final evaluation will be held according to the Regulations for Quality Assurance in Tenure Track Procedures at the University of Cologne. On this basis, a decision will be reached as to whether the candidate will be given tenure at W3 level.
Qualification requirements are in accordance with the North Rhine-Westphalia University Law and include an excellent track record in research and teaching.
The University of Cologne promotes equal opportunities and diversity. Women are strongly encouraged to apply and will be considered preferentially in accordance with LGG NRW.
Applications from disabled candidates are most welcome and are preferentially considered in case of equal qualification.
Applications should include the usual documents (CV, list of publications, record of acquired third-party funding, list of taught courses, teaching evaluations (if available), certificates regarding qualifications and appointments) as well as research and teaching concepts. Applications should be submitted via the Academic Job Portal of the University of Cologne ( no later than October 15, 2018 to the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the University of Cologne, Albertus-Magnus-Platz, 50923 Cologne, E-Mail:
Tenure-track Paleobotany position U Kansas
Position Overview
The University of Kansas invites applications for the Thomas N. Taylor assistant professor and assistant curator in Paleobotany. This position is a full-time, tenure-track academic year joint appointment in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB, 0.5 FTE) and the Biodiversity Institute (BI, 0.5 FTE), a KU Designated Research Center. The faculty member and curator will conduct collection-based research addressing fundamental questions in the paleobiology, biodiversity, paleoecology, and/or evolutionary biology of pre-Quaternary plant megafossils and/or fossil fungi leading to publication in appropriate media; procure external funding as appropriate; teach courses and engage in mentorship contributing to the education of undergraduate and graduate students; contribute to the stewardship of the Biodiversity Institute’s world-class paleobotanical collections; and engage in unit, College, University, and national service. Ph.D. is expected by the start date of appointment. The successful candidate for the position must be eligible to work in the U.S. prior to the start of the position.
The University of Kansas values candidates who have experience working with students from diverse backgrounds and possess a strong commitment to improving access to higher education for historically under-represented minorities. The University actively encourages applications from members of the underrepresented groups in higher education.
The University of Kansas invites applications for the Thomas N. Taylor assistant professor and assistant curator in Paleobotany. This position is a full-time, tenure-track academic year joint appointment in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB, 0.5 FTE) and the Biodiversity Institute (BI, 0.5 FTE), a KU Designated Research Center. The faculty member and curator will conduct collection-based research addressing fundamental questions in the paleobiology, biodiversity, paleoecology, and/or evolutionary biology of pre-Quaternary plant megafossils and/or fossil fungi leading to publication in appropriate media; procure external funding as appropriate; teach courses and engage in mentorship contributing to the education of undergraduate and graduate students; contribute to the stewardship of the Biodiversity Institute’s world-class paleobotanical collections; and engage in unit, College, University, and national service. Ph.D. is expected by the start date of appointment. The successful candidate for the position must be eligible to work in the U.S. prior to the start of the position.
The University of Kansas values candidates who have experience working with students from diverse backgrounds and possess a strong commitment to improving access to higher education for historically under-represented minorities. The University actively encourages applications from members of the underrepresented groups in higher education.
More information and how to apply here:
Monday, October 8, 2018
CalTech Postdoc on the Geobiology of Complex Multicellular Life
The Division of Geological and Planetary
Sciences at the California Institute of Technology invites applications for a
2-year postdoctoral fellowship to investigate the geobiology of complex
multicellular life. The fellowship carries an annual stipend of $61,000 plus a
research expense fund of $5,000 and up to $2,000 for one-way travel costs to
Pasadena, and is expected to begin within calendar year 2019. Award is
contingent on completion of the Ph.D. degree prior to starting, and good
progress in the first year. Fellows are eligible to participate in Caltech’s
benefit programs, including health and dental programs.
Complex multicellularity has evolved several times independently on our planet: in animals, algae, plants, and at least three times within the fungi. These organisms tend to have rich fossil records that – in combination with genomic and/or geochemical data – allow one to address historical questions in great detail. We are also beginning to recognize them as critical geobiological agents in the environment (e.g arthropods, plants, fungi). Emerging observations from the geological record also indicate major areas of interplay between their evolutionary processes and changes in climate, chemistry, and physical processes operating at the Earth surface. This fellowship will be awarded to foster innovative research in any of these areas, or related areas, at Caltech. Applicants with training in geology, chemistry, or biology are encouraged to apply. It is expected that the fellowship recipient be hosted by one or more division professors who will provide both financial support and mentorship.
Materials in support of an application should include curriculum vitae, list of publications, a one-page statement of research interests, and three letters of reference. Complete applications including letters of reference are due by December 7, 2018. Applications can be submitted to Jen Shechet at
If there are any questions during the search process, please contact us at
Complex multicellularity has evolved several times independently on our planet: in animals, algae, plants, and at least three times within the fungi. These organisms tend to have rich fossil records that – in combination with genomic and/or geochemical data – allow one to address historical questions in great detail. We are also beginning to recognize them as critical geobiological agents in the environment (e.g arthropods, plants, fungi). Emerging observations from the geological record also indicate major areas of interplay between their evolutionary processes and changes in climate, chemistry, and physical processes operating at the Earth surface. This fellowship will be awarded to foster innovative research in any of these areas, or related areas, at Caltech. Applicants with training in geology, chemistry, or biology are encouraged to apply. It is expected that the fellowship recipient be hosted by one or more division professors who will provide both financial support and mentorship.
Materials in support of an application should include curriculum vitae, list of publications, a one-page statement of research interests, and three letters of reference. Complete applications including letters of reference are due by December 7, 2018. Applications can be submitted to Jen Shechet at
If there are any questions during the search process, please contact us at
PhD in Carbon Cycle - Earth-Surface-Process – Climate Feedbacks (Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences)
Job description:
The Helmholtz Centre Potsdam – GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences is the national research centre for Earth sciences in Germany. With approx. 1260 employees, the GFZ is conducting interdisciplinary research on the “System Earth” and the influence of humans on the planet. As a member of the Helmholtz Association, it is part of Germany’s largest science organization. For Section 5.1 Geomorphologie and in collaboration with the University of Potsdam we invite applications for a Job Vacancy No. 1654 Sources and transformation of organic carbon in the fold and thrust belt of the NW Argentinian pre-cordillera This position will be part of the DFG-funded StRATEGy International Research Training Group (IRTG), whose aim is to study Surface processes, Tectonics and Georesources within the Andean foreland basin of Argentina. Within this framework, we are seeking a student for an interdisciplinary project investigating interactions between earth surface processes, tectonics and climate and their effect on the long-term evolution of the Earth’s carbon cycle. Specifically, the project will aim to better constrain the quantity and effect of organic carbon fluxes from the east Andes and through the adjacent foreland over geological timescales (StRATEGy project 1.4).
The PhD student will be employed by the University of Potsdam but placed at the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) in Potsdam, within Section 5.1 Geomorphology and supervised by Dr. Dirk Sachse and Prof. Niels Hovius. This interdisciplinary supervisor team has leading expertise in organic geochemistry, biogeochemistry, sedimentology, geomorphology and paleoclimatology, and is driving the development of Earth Surface Dynamics as an integrated discipline.
Your responsibilities:
Your qualifications:
Salary: The pay scale grouping will be according to pay group 13 TV-L provided that all tariff related and personal requirements are met.
Working hours: part-time 75% (currently 29.25 h/week)
Potsdam You can expect a very diverse and challenging job in an international work environment that is characterized by exciting research projects.
The GFZ is a partner with Geo.X (, and as such it is well connected with other geoscience institutions in Potsdam und Berlin. Geo.X forms the largest regional cluster of geoscientific expertise in Europe and offers excellent opportunities for cooperation and development.Please submit your application by 20/10/18 directly via email to Dr. Dirk Sachse ( Inlcude a CV and a motivation letter outlining your research interests as one pdf document. Questions with regard to the project should also be directed to Dr. Dirk Sachse.Equal opportunity is an inherent part of our personnel policy. Therefore we are particularly welcoming applications from qualified women. Severely disabled persons will be given preferential treatment in the case of equal qualification.We will retain your application documents for at least three months, even if the application is not successful.Project abstract:Sources and transformation of organic carbon in the fold and thrust belt of the NW Argentinian pre-cordillera
Organic carbon mobilized from soils (biospheric carbon) as well as from sedimentary rocks (petrogenic carbon) in orogenic ranges is now being recognized as a major component of the Earth’s carbon cycle. Long-term burial of modern biospheric carbon in oceanic sinks results in a removal of CO2 from the atmosphere, whereas oxidation of petrogenic carbon would add CO2 to the atmosphere, hence impacting the long-term evolution of climate. However, our understanding of the processes controlling mobilization and potential oxidation of this carbon during transport, redeposition and remobilization downstream is limited, preventing a quantitative assessment of organic carbon fluxes and their changes over time.
We aim to understand sources and transformation of organic carbon originating from the NW Argentinian foothills of the Andes and deposited in the fold and thrust belt over various geological timescales. Fingerprinting the organic material using organic-geochemical, stable and radiogenic isotope-based approaches, we investigate organic carbon in modern soils, intramontane sedimentary basins and modern rivers draining the Andes along steep climatological gradients. Using these tools we aim to identify the tectonic and climatic drivers and estimate organic carbon fluxes and assess their importance on longer geological timescales.
The Helmholtz Centre Potsdam – GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences is the national research centre for Earth sciences in Germany. With approx. 1260 employees, the GFZ is conducting interdisciplinary research on the “System Earth” and the influence of humans on the planet. As a member of the Helmholtz Association, it is part of Germany’s largest science organization. For Section 5.1 Geomorphologie and in collaboration with the University of Potsdam we invite applications for a Job Vacancy No. 1654 Sources and transformation of organic carbon in the fold and thrust belt of the NW Argentinian pre-cordillera This position will be part of the DFG-funded StRATEGy International Research Training Group (IRTG), whose aim is to study Surface processes, Tectonics and Georesources within the Andean foreland basin of Argentina. Within this framework, we are seeking a student for an interdisciplinary project investigating interactions between earth surface processes, tectonics and climate and their effect on the long-term evolution of the Earth’s carbon cycle. Specifically, the project will aim to better constrain the quantity and effect of organic carbon fluxes from the east Andes and through the adjacent foreland over geological timescales (StRATEGy project 1.4).
The PhD student will be employed by the University of Potsdam but placed at the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) in Potsdam, within Section 5.1 Geomorphology and supervised by Dr. Dirk Sachse and Prof. Niels Hovius. This interdisciplinary supervisor team has leading expertise in organic geochemistry, biogeochemistry, sedimentology, geomorphology and paleoclimatology, and is driving the development of Earth Surface Dynamics as an integrated discipline.
Your responsibilities:
- define, in dialogue with the supervisors, a feasible research project addressing the stated general aim
- organize and pursue field work in the NW Argentinian Andeans for sampling river sediment and river water, soil samples and sediment profiles.
- identify and constrain modern organic matter source regions and mobilization/transformation processes, and to reconstruct source changes and palaeohydrological changes over time using organic geochemical characterization of samples (i.e. biomarker isotope analyses (δD & δ13C & 14C, high-resolution mass spectrometry…).
- evaluate the tectonic and climatic drivers of carbon cycle changes within the Andean system, and to estimate organic carbon fluxes and their importance on longer geological timescales.
- set up and maintain a close collaboration within an interdisciplinary German-Argentinean network of leading earth scientists and doctoral students in Geology, Biogeochemistry, Geophysics.
Your qualifications:
- university degree (M.Sc. or equivalent) in Geosciences, Biogeosciences, Paleoclimatology, Geochemistry or related; we especially encourage applications from candidates who have completed thesis projects in (isotope) geochemistry or Earth Surface Dynamics.
- proficiency in English, good communication skills; knowledge of Spanish is of advantage
- experience of geological field work.
- proven ability to work independently in geochemical laboratories
- an enthusiastic willingness to engage in interdisciplinary exchanges with colleagues in the IRTG and beyond. Starting date: as soon as possible
Salary: The pay scale grouping will be according to pay group 13 TV-L provided that all tariff related and personal requirements are met.
Working hours: part-time 75% (currently 29.25 h/week)
Potsdam You can expect a very diverse and challenging job in an international work environment that is characterized by exciting research projects.
The GFZ is a partner with Geo.X (, and as such it is well connected with other geoscience institutions in Potsdam und Berlin. Geo.X forms the largest regional cluster of geoscientific expertise in Europe and offers excellent opportunities for cooperation and development.Please submit your application by 20/10/18 directly via email to Dr. Dirk Sachse ( Inlcude a CV and a motivation letter outlining your research interests as one pdf document. Questions with regard to the project should also be directed to Dr. Dirk Sachse.Equal opportunity is an inherent part of our personnel policy. Therefore we are particularly welcoming applications from qualified women. Severely disabled persons will be given preferential treatment in the case of equal qualification.We will retain your application documents for at least three months, even if the application is not successful.Project abstract:Sources and transformation of organic carbon in the fold and thrust belt of the NW Argentinian pre-cordillera
Organic carbon mobilized from soils (biospheric carbon) as well as from sedimentary rocks (petrogenic carbon) in orogenic ranges is now being recognized as a major component of the Earth’s carbon cycle. Long-term burial of modern biospheric carbon in oceanic sinks results in a removal of CO2 from the atmosphere, whereas oxidation of petrogenic carbon would add CO2 to the atmosphere, hence impacting the long-term evolution of climate. However, our understanding of the processes controlling mobilization and potential oxidation of this carbon during transport, redeposition and remobilization downstream is limited, preventing a quantitative assessment of organic carbon fluxes and their changes over time.
We aim to understand sources and transformation of organic carbon originating from the NW Argentinian foothills of the Andes and deposited in the fold and thrust belt over various geological timescales. Fingerprinting the organic material using organic-geochemical, stable and radiogenic isotope-based approaches, we investigate organic carbon in modern soils, intramontane sedimentary basins and modern rivers draining the Andes along steep climatological gradients. Using these tools we aim to identify the tectonic and climatic drivers and estimate organic carbon fluxes and assess their importance on longer geological timescales.
PhD in inorganic and organic Earth surface Geochemistry (Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences)
Job description:The Helmholtz Centre Potsdam – GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences is the national research centre for Earth sciences in Germany. With approx. 1260 employees, the GFZ is conducting interdisciplinary research on the “System Earth” and the influence of humans on the planet. As a member of the Helmholtz Association, it is part of Germany’s largest science organization. For Section 3.3 “Earth Surface Geochemistry” and in collaboration with Section 5.1 “Geomorphology" we invite applications for a Job Vacancy No. 1603 Research takes place within the DFG priority project "Earthshape – Earth surface shaping by biota" ( in which the interaction between biological, geochemical, and geomorphological processes in landscape evolution is explored along a climate gradient in Central Chile. Within this framework, two doctoral projects will use modern river sediment and marine paleo-sediment cores to investigate how Holocene hydrological changes influenced vegetation, weathering, erosion, and sediment transport (EarthShape Project 5 SECCO - “The coupled vegetation, weathering, erosion, and sediment-export response to climate change unraveled from novel proxies in Chilean marine sediment“).Within SECCO this doctoral project (mSECCO) will focus on identifying modern processes by geochemically characterizing soils and modern river sediments and will be led by Dr. Hella Wittmann-Oelze (Section 3.3) and Dr. Dirk Sachse (Section 5.1). The project will be based in GFZ´s section 3.3, whereas the second project focusing on changes over Holocene timescales (pSECCO) will be led by Prof. Anne Bernhardt at the Freie Universität Berlin and will be advertised separately. Both doctoral students will be working closely together.
Your responsibilities:
The unique combination of these proxies allows the measurement of erosion- and weathering rates as well as the quantification of vegetation and hydrological changes along the Chilean climate gradient and is aimed at addressing the question: Is vegetation change the main driver of landscape change in Chile since the last deglacial climate change?
Your qualifications:
Starting date: between January and March 2019
Fixed term: 3 years
Salary: The pay scale grouping will be into pay group 13 TVöD-Bund (Tarifgebiet Ost) provided that all tariff related and personal requirements are met.
Working hours: part-time 75 % (29,25 h/week)
Potsdam You can expect a very diverse and challenging job in an international work environment that is characterized by exciting research projects. The compatibility of work and family life is of particular concern to the GFZ. Therefore, it offers the opportunity for flexible working time and workplaces. Moreover, there is a kindergarten located on the research campus.The GFZ is a partner with Geo.X (, and as such it is well connected with other geoscience institutions in Potsdam und Berlin. Geo.X forms the largest regional cluster of geoscientific expertise in Europe and offers excellent opportunities for cooperation and development.Please send your application with your CV, Letter of motivation, copies of certificates and two names from which we can request letters of references until 15.11.2018.Equal opportunity is an inherent part of our personnel policy. Therefore we are particularly welcoming applications from qualified women. Severely disabled persons will be given preferential treatment in the case of equal qualification.We will retain your application documents for at least three months, even if the application is not successful.If you have any questions regarding this job offer, please feel free to call Ms Buge at +49 (0) 331-288-28878.
Your responsibilities:
- field work in the Chilean Coastal and Andean mountains for sampling river sediment and river water,
- close collaboration within an interdisciplinary German-Chilean network of both leading scientists and other doctoral students in Geosciences, Ecology, Soil Sciences,
- dynamic and interdisciplinary supervisor team (2 female and 2 male scientists) with backgrounds in inorganic and organic geochemistry, sedimentology and paleoclimatology,
- reconstruction of changes in paleohydrology, vegetation and earth surface processes through a diverse geochemical characterization of samples: Biomarker isotopes (δD & δ13C), Lithium stable isotopes, and cosmogenic nuclides (meteoric 10Be/9Be ratios)
The unique combination of these proxies allows the measurement of erosion- and weathering rates as well as the quantification of vegetation and hydrological changes along the Chilean climate gradient and is aimed at addressing the question: Is vegetation change the main driver of landscape change in Chile since the last deglacial climate change?
Your qualifications:
- university degree (master / diploma) in Geosciences
- good (English) communication skills; willingness for interdisciplinary exchange with colleagues in the priority program
- experience in geological field work; knowledge of Spanish is of advantage
- MSc thesis including either geochemical, sedimentological, and if possible also isotope work
- ability to work independently in geochemical laboratories with acid digestions and or/ organic solvents
Starting date: between January and March 2019
Fixed term: 3 years
Salary: The pay scale grouping will be into pay group 13 TVöD-Bund (Tarifgebiet Ost) provided that all tariff related and personal requirements are met.
Working hours: part-time 75 % (29,25 h/week)
Potsdam You can expect a very diverse and challenging job in an international work environment that is characterized by exciting research projects. The compatibility of work and family life is of particular concern to the GFZ. Therefore, it offers the opportunity for flexible working time and workplaces. Moreover, there is a kindergarten located on the research campus.The GFZ is a partner with Geo.X (, and as such it is well connected with other geoscience institutions in Potsdam und Berlin. Geo.X forms the largest regional cluster of geoscientific expertise in Europe and offers excellent opportunities for cooperation and development.Please send your application with your CV, Letter of motivation, copies of certificates and two names from which we can request letters of references until 15.11.2018.Equal opportunity is an inherent part of our personnel policy. Therefore we are particularly welcoming applications from qualified women. Severely disabled persons will be given preferential treatment in the case of equal qualification.We will retain your application documents for at least three months, even if the application is not successful.If you have any questions regarding this job offer, please feel free to call Ms Buge at +49 (0) 331-288-28878.
Endowed Chair in Sedimentary Geology, UT Austin
The Department of Geological Sciences in the Jackson School of
Geosciences at The University of Texas at Austin is seeking an Endowed
Chair in Sedimentary Geology to fill a tenured position at the full
professor level. We seek a creative individual who has an innovative
research program in sedimentary geology and addresses questions related
to clastic sedimentation, dynamic stratigraphy, depositional systems,
and basin architecture over geological time scales, with broad
applicability to the energy industry. A demonstrated ability to
integrate a range of approaches and data types is required, potentially
including field-based inquiry, linked surface and subsurface
investigations, incorporation of seismic data, and analytical or
modeling approaches. The successful candidate will be expected to
establish an internationally recognized research program and excel at
teaching, mentoring, and service roles within the department, and should
have a strong record of securing external research funds. We seek an
individual who facilitates collaborations among faculty, researchers,
and students in the department and university, and is capable of
teaching courses over a wide range of geoscience topics, particularly
courses in stratigraphy, sedimentology, and basin analysis.
As part of the Jackson School of Geosciences (, the Department of Geological Sciences ( has over 50 faculty and a community of research scientists with a broad range of specialties, as well as access to outstanding research facilities and support. The department has one of the largest combined graduate and undergraduate enrollments of any Earth science program in North America and is located in a thriving metropolitan area with a dynamic, multicultural community of over 1 million people. The department is interested in building a culturally diverse intellectual community; we strongly encourage applications from all under-represented groups.
Required application documents include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, a statement of research, statement of teaching, statement addressing past and/or potential contributions to diversity through research, teaching, and/or service, and contact information for at least 5 references. Submit electronic copies of these materials online at Review of applications will commence November 1, 2018, and will continue until the position is filled. Further information about the department is available at Address questions about the position to Charlie Kerans (, and about the application process to Patrick Stafford (
As part of the Jackson School of Geosciences (, the Department of Geological Sciences ( has over 50 faculty and a community of research scientists with a broad range of specialties, as well as access to outstanding research facilities and support. The department has one of the largest combined graduate and undergraduate enrollments of any Earth science program in North America and is located in a thriving metropolitan area with a dynamic, multicultural community of over 1 million people. The department is interested in building a culturally diverse intellectual community; we strongly encourage applications from all under-represented groups.
Required application documents include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, a statement of research, statement of teaching, statement addressing past and/or potential contributions to diversity through research, teaching, and/or service, and contact information for at least 5 references. Submit electronic copies of these materials online at Review of applications will commence November 1, 2018, and will continue until the position is filled. Further information about the department is available at Address questions about the position to Charlie Kerans (, and about the application process to Patrick Stafford (
Bateman Postdoctoral Fellowship, Department of Geology & Geophysics - Yale University
The Department of Geology and Geophysics at Yale University ( announces an annual competition for a Bateman Postdoctoral Fellowship. We welcome applicants with research interests across the full range of disciplines within earth and planetary sciences, including studies of geophysics, planetary sciences, tectonics, oceans, atmosphere, climate dynamics, geochemistry, paleoclimatology, geobiology, and the evolution of life. The Postdoctoral Associate position is awarded for two years, providing a stipend ($60,000/yr) and base research funds ($5,000/yr), plus health care benefits and limited expenses for relocation. Applicants should contact a sponsor in the Department to discuss potential research projects, and then submit a short (2-3 page) statement of research interests and proposed research, a curriculum vitae with a full list of publications, an endorsement letter from the sponsoring faculty member, and three confidential letters of reference. Applications should be submitted online at The deadline for receipt of all application materials is December 15, 2018, and successful candidates are expected to begin their program at Yale between July 1 and December 31, 2019. Yale University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer. Yale values diversity among its students, staff, and faculty and strongly welcomes applications from women, persons with disabilities, protected veterans, and underrepresented minorities.
Geobiology Postdoc at the University of Copenhagen
The Natural History Museum of Denmark (Copenhagen) is offering a postdoc position commencing 1 December 2018 or as soon as possible thereafter.
Project description
The postdoc is part of the Dahl research group whose overarching goal is to understand the co-evolution of life and the environment through Earth history. The successful candidate will be embedded in an international and interdisciplinary research environment with a mix of field geologists, experimental geochemists and theoretical geophysicists. The research within this initiative will be carried out in collaboration with researchers at University of Copenhagen and international collaborators.
The purpose of the project is to quantify the influence of vascular plants on atmospheric O2 and/or CO2 levels during the early colonization of land (440-400 million years ago). The research will be mainly to construct a process-driven numerical model that quantifies the influence of roots on physical and chemical weathering processes. The project may include (but is not restricted to) quantification of soil depth, solute transport in the soil, nutrient runoff and/or aerobic O2 consumption as a function of physiological properties. In the longer perspective, the plant-soil weathering module should be integrated with global vegetation and climate models.
The postdoc’s duties will include research within terrestrial ecology and Earth system science as well as teaching. The post may also include performance of other duties. We expect the successful candidate to cooperate on joint publications with collaborators and members our research group and contribute to publications and activities.
Further information on the Department is linked at Inquiries about the position can be made to Anders J. Hansen.
The position is open from 1 December 2018 or as soon as possible thereafter.
Job description
The position is funded for 16 months by the Danish Research Council's ERC programme aiming for extension hereafter. The key tasks as a postdoc at SCIENCE are:
Formal requirements
We seek dedicated and self-motivated candidates with an academic background in a relevant field, e.g. theoretical geophysics/terrestrial ecology/biogeochemistry/earth science, with strong numerical modeling skills an ability to simplify complex problems, and have a track record of scientific excellence. We prefer candidates with a special interest in the history of life and the environment and/or in "geoengineering" prospects of using land plants for future climate mitigation. Good English language skills are necessary. As criteria for the assessment of the candidate’s qualifications, emphasis will also be laid on previous publications in international peer-reviewed journals, coding skills, grade-point average, relevant work experience and other professional activities.
The application, in English, must be submitted electronically here:
Please include
After the expiry of the deadline for applications, the authorized recruitment manager selects applicants for assessment on the advice of the Interview Committee. You can read about the recruitment process at Interviews will be held on 1-2 November 2018.
Project description
The postdoc is part of the Dahl research group whose overarching goal is to understand the co-evolution of life and the environment through Earth history. The successful candidate will be embedded in an international and interdisciplinary research environment with a mix of field geologists, experimental geochemists and theoretical geophysicists. The research within this initiative will be carried out in collaboration with researchers at University of Copenhagen and international collaborators.
The purpose of the project is to quantify the influence of vascular plants on atmospheric O2 and/or CO2 levels during the early colonization of land (440-400 million years ago). The research will be mainly to construct a process-driven numerical model that quantifies the influence of roots on physical and chemical weathering processes. The project may include (but is not restricted to) quantification of soil depth, solute transport in the soil, nutrient runoff and/or aerobic O2 consumption as a function of physiological properties. In the longer perspective, the plant-soil weathering module should be integrated with global vegetation and climate models.
The postdoc’s duties will include research within terrestrial ecology and Earth system science as well as teaching. The post may also include performance of other duties. We expect the successful candidate to cooperate on joint publications with collaborators and members our research group and contribute to publications and activities.
Further information on the Department is linked at Inquiries about the position can be made to Anders J. Hansen.
The position is open from 1 December 2018 or as soon as possible thereafter.
Job description
The position is funded for 16 months by the Danish Research Council's ERC programme aiming for extension hereafter. The key tasks as a postdoc at SCIENCE are:
- To manage and carry through your research project
- Teach and disseminate your research
- Participate in congresses/workshops
- Write scientific articlesWrite science proposal
Formal requirements
We seek dedicated and self-motivated candidates with an academic background in a relevant field, e.g. theoretical geophysics/terrestrial ecology/biogeochemistry/earth science, with strong numerical modeling skills an ability to simplify complex problems, and have a track record of scientific excellence. We prefer candidates with a special interest in the history of life and the environment and/or in "geoengineering" prospects of using land plants for future climate mitigation. Good English language skills are necessary. As criteria for the assessment of the candidate’s qualifications, emphasis will also be laid on previous publications in international peer-reviewed journals, coding skills, grade-point average, relevant work experience and other professional activities.
The application, in English, must be submitted electronically here:
Please include
- Curriculum vita
- Diplomas (Master and PhD degree or equivalent)
- A cover letter with description of current and future research plans
- At least 2 named references who can judge your research skills
- A piece of your own numerical code (that runs on a personal computer)
- Complete publication list
- Separate reprints of 3 particularly relevant papers
After the expiry of the deadline for applications, the authorized recruitment manager selects applicants for assessment on the advice of the Interview Committee. You can read about the recruitment process at Interviews will be held on 1-2 November 2018.
Faculty Position in Stratigraphic Paleontology, Yale University
The Department of Geology & Geophysics at Yale University invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor appointment in the area of stratigraphic paleontology. Relevant fields include, but are not restricted to, organism-sediment interactions, controls on fossilization through time, macrostratigraphy, paleoecology and paleoenvironments, and evolution in a stratigraphic context.
They seek candidates with outstanding prospects for research, scholarly leadership, and teaching excellence who will complement the existing strengths of the Department. A successful applicant will develop and implement independent, externally-funded research programs including a strong field component, teach and advise students, and facilitate interdisciplinary research.
Applicants should submit a letter of application, a curriculum vitae including a full list of publications, a statement of research, a statement of teaching interests, and four confidential letters of reference. Applications should be submitted online at This an extension of an existing search for which review of applications will commence after November 1, 2018.
For information regarding Yale Geology and Geophysics, visit our web site at Yale University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer. Yale values diversity among its students, staff, and faculty and strongly welcomes applications from women, persons with disabilities, protected veterans, and underrepresented minorities.
Friday, October 5, 2018
"Soft Rock" Geologist wanted at Cornell College
The Cornell College Department of Geology seeks a tenure track professor in “soft rock”
geology to serve as the third pillar of its geology faculty and to actively
engage with the college’s environmental studies, archaeology, and biology
programs. The position will begin August 2019. Teaching responsibilities
include paleontology and sedimentology/stratigraphy, introductory and advanced
level courses in subjects of the candidate’s primary interest, a research course,
and a course in Geographic Information Systems. The candidate may also offer a
field course. The successful candidate will be a vibrant and dedicated teacher
who enjoys working closely with undergraduates and who views student-faculty
research as a critical component of an effective geology curriculum. The Department
maintains a series of endowed funds that provide substantial funding to support
this student-faculty research as well as course-related travel.
Cornell College geology faculty emphasize laboratory
activities, class discussions, field experiences, writing, quantitative
literacy, and critical thinking in all of their courses. Cornell College has attracted national attention for its
distinctive academic calendar under which faculty members teach and students
take one course at a time in month-long blocks. Academic immersion and
unparalleled flexibility attract an ambitious student body from 45 states and
18 foreign countries. External endorsements include selection as one of the
Colleges That Change Lives, a U.S. News Top 100 liberal arts college, and a
Fiske Guide to Colleges Best Buy. Founded in 1853, Cornell's picturesque
hilltop campus contains a mix of historic and modern facilities, ranging from
the majestic King Chapel to the newly renovated Thomas Commons. It is located
in Mount Vernon, Iowa, an urban fringe community recognized by Frommer's as one
of "America's Coolest Small Towns" and located in the heart of Iowa's
Creative Corridor.
The College
seeks individuals who are committed to building a creative, dynamic and diverse
workplace that celebrates the uniqueness of our faculty, staff and
students. The College is committed to excellence in teaching and
encourages interdisciplinary interests among its faculty. Interested applicants should submit the
following application materials to .
- Letter of Application/Cover Letter
- Current
Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- Teaching
Statement - describing teaching interests and methods, including examples of
individual commitment to diversity in the classroom/campus community
- Research/Professional
Interest Statement
- (3) Letters of recommendation
- Undergraduate and Graduate Transcripts (Unofficial copies are acceptable. Official transcripts are needed prior to employment.)
Applications will be reviewed
starting November 26, 2018, and will continue until the position is
For more information about the Geology
program, please visit the website at
Cornell is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from
underrepresented groups. Cornell complies with Iowa’s smoke free air
act. Cornell utilizes E-Verify and requires satisfactory completion of a
background check.
Postdoc at JPL
JPL's Planetary Ices group (3227) invites applications for a postdoctoral position to work on origin of life and planetary habitability research. Dr. Laurie Barge, JPL research scientist in Astrobiology, will serve as JPL postdoctoral advisor to the selected candidate. The appointee will carry out research in collaboration with the JPL advisor and other lab members, resulting in publications in the open literature. The position is joint between the NASA Astrobiology Institute Icy Worlds project and the NASA-NSF Ideas Lab “Becoming Biotic” project, working in the Origins and Habitability lab team at JPL. The selected candidate will work with Dr. Barge on experiments to simulate how minerals affect emergence of metabolism and habitability on early Earth and ocean worlds.
The successful candidate will:
Qualifications: Candidates should have a recent PhD in chemistry, geology, biology or related fields. The ideal candidate will be enthusiastic about astrobiology and participating in mission-relevant research, and in being a collaborative member of a lab group that studies how life emerges and thrives in planetary environments.
Desired qualifications: Experience with or willingness to learn analytical techniques (liquid NMR, Raman spectroscopy, electrochemistry, spectrophotometry). Experience with or willingness to learn anaerobic methods and handling of hazardous materials.
Candidates who have received their PhD within the past five years since the date of their application are eligible. Postdoctoral Scholar positions are awarded for a minimum of one-year period and may be renewed up to a maximum duration of three years.
Apply here:
The successful candidate will:
- Simulate planetary environments in the laboratory and test organic reactions under prebiotic conditions. Contact Dr. Barge for more information; the appointee will lead completion of specific experiments for ongoing projects and will also have the opportunity to develop their own experimental plans.
- Work collaboratively with other lab group members including fellow postdocs, graduate / undergraduate students, and JPL colleagues; participate in and help develop new mission-relevant research projects.
- Assist with general lab management, supervision/mentoring of student researchers, and helping to develop lab safety protocols and procedures.
Qualifications: Candidates should have a recent PhD in chemistry, geology, biology or related fields. The ideal candidate will be enthusiastic about astrobiology and participating in mission-relevant research, and in being a collaborative member of a lab group that studies how life emerges and thrives in planetary environments.
Desired qualifications: Experience with or willingness to learn analytical techniques (liquid NMR, Raman spectroscopy, electrochemistry, spectrophotometry). Experience with or willingness to learn anaerobic methods and handling of hazardous materials.
Candidates who have received their PhD within the past five years since the date of their application are eligible. Postdoctoral Scholar positions are awarded for a minimum of one-year period and may be renewed up to a maximum duration of three years.
Apply here:
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